Practical Magick - Self Confidence

Practical Magick - Self Confidence

Anna Bellissima

How to Build Your Confidence and Personal Power.

Why confidence and power is key to your spiritual growth path – and how you can increase yours.

Self confidence is the deep belief in our abilities and skills, as well as embracing the quirks and differences that make us so adorable.

Lack of confidence can hold us back in all areas of our life, from excelling in our career to building fulfilling relationships.

So finding a way to solve this problem is vitally important, so that you can pursue the sacred calling to pursue your desires, dreams and ambitions.

In this video you’ll learn:

🐺 What IS a lack of self-confidence, really [01:25]
🐺 How confidence is linked to power [02:07]
🐺 A vulnerable example of bravery [03:00]
🐺 Actionable steps to feel more confident [03:45]

🐸 Quick and Dirty Alchemy

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If you ever experience a lack of self confidence, I’ve got magick to share that will make feats that seem inconceivable today, entirely possible tomorrow.

My name is Anna Bellissima, I am an extremely powerful magician, as (of course) are you, and I am here to awaken you to your magical power.

But before we get going, a tip: if you are a very intelligent person with a minuscule attention span, like me, adjust the playback of this lesson to 1.25 speed : it helps me greatly to absorb attention even when I am feeling scattered.

The information I share on this channel can genuinely change your life to an overall experience of joy and bliss instead of suffering. So it would therefore be sensible to subscribe, and click the little picture of a bell, so you never miss a class.

I received a question: Anna, how can I boost my self confidence once and for all?

This is a topic that plagues so many people: lack of confidence can hold us back in all areas of our life, from building a career to building fulfilling relationships. And so finding a way to solve this problem is vitally important, so that you can pursue your desires, dreams and ambitions. And pursuing our desires is a very sacred calling – and don’t you dare let anyone try to convince you otherwise.

Before we progress to the magic, let’s first properly understand what we are speaking about. Lack of self-confidence, is actually just fear, dressed up prettily so that we don’t have to acknowledge the brutal truth. All those things we’re not doing – is because we’re afraid. So lack of self-confidence is not a personality trait, it is a human trait. We all experience fear.

And self-confidence, as you know when you feel it, is the deep belief in your abilities and skills, and the embracing of the quirks and differences that make you so adorably you. Someone who is very self-confident exudes a kind of natural power, and that is part of what needs to be unpicked, because very often among sensitive, spiritual and soulful people, power has something of a bad reputation. So people will prefer to stay lacking confidence, rather than be accused of being power hungry or arrogant – as if that were a terrible thing.

So if you feel uncomfortable being powerful, that is definitely something you will need to explore before being able to consistently move past your fear. Moving past fear – or bravery, in other words, IS an act of personal power, so you won’t be able to do this unless you are ok with experiencing yourself that way – and of course, you need to embrace the concept of your personal power in order to fulfil your soul’s mission on earth.

As an example of bravery, I vulnerably share this story. Typically, when I am preparing to record one of these videos, my inner critic – holder of the vessel called ‘fear’ – berates me. ‘You look like a clown! You look like a fucking clown! Everyone is laughing at you!’ Oh beloved, I respond. Thank you so much protecting me and keeping me from harm. but really, I am ok. I don’t mind too much if people laugh. I like my make up like this. I’m going to be ok.

This is to illustrate that despite all this – I do not experience myself as confident. I experience myself as brave.

For practical and actionable advice: the first suggestion I would make is to work with your deities. If you are into planetary magic, as I am, making a petition to Mercury for confidence in matters of business and communication; to Venus in matters of love and relationships; to Jupiter in matters of money, Mars for confidence in competition and Saturn for confidence holding boundaries and feelings of safety, for example, will all serve you well.

If you have an interest in the energy centres of the body, called the chakras in Eastern traditions, then finding a meditation and embodiment practices specifically to heal the root chakra and is recommended for giving a feeling of security.

And another extremely powerful practice for developing your confidence is affirmations. If you watched my previous video on the subject you’ll know that I personally prefer really good questions, so I suggest consistently and repeatedly asking yourself something like : “how did I become so confident?” “how did I unlock such courage and power?” ask yourself the questions, and when the hint of an answer pops into your thoughts, follow it with the tenacity of a hound on a scent.

But remember this vital point: magic requires a mundane means of manifestation. In other words, you need to also DO THINGS that will enable your self-confidence to grow. Which means, I am sorry to tell you, challenging your fears.

Unfortunately, confidence, in my experience, FOLLOWS action, not the other way round, and confidence grows by repeatedly doing scary things and discovering that, in fact, ‘the worst case scenario’ very rarely happens and, if it does, we are able to alchemise that pain – that rejection, humiliation, the negative feedback or troll comments – into power (and you’ll see more about that in my lesson on Quick and Dirty alchemy which is invaluable to this subejct).

The work required in order to be able to do these scary things is to consistently question and reframe the stories we tell ourselves, and recognise that the fear itself is a construct of our own imagination. We have IMAGINED ourselves into a state of trembling paralysis. Once we recognise this, we can of course imagine ourselves into a different and more empowered state.

Developing self-confidence and personal power is very much a practice and NOT, I am afraid, something that is ‘done’ once and for all. My experience has been that by making a point of doing something terrifying, and then noting the results, the stories I tell myself about the dangers of risking criticism, negative feedback or ridicule, loosen their grip and my capacity for doing more ‘scary’ things expands.

When the Universe puts a frightening step in your path, and you take it, your guidance becomes clearer, intuition stronger, your personal power increases and the rewards from the Universe are greater – Your Holy Guardian Angel WANTS to see you challenge your fears.

Beautiful soul, I truly hope this little lesson has helped you on your step to serene self-confidence and expanded personal power. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for the world, now that you no longer allow fear to hold you back.

Thanks so much for watching, please remember to subscribe for more life-changing lessons, I love you, and I will see you next time.

Practical Magic - Banish Despair

Practical Magick - Banish Despair

Anna Bellissima

Simple Magic for Sadness and Despair.

Over the years, I have received at least my fair share of psychiatric diagnoses and treatments, including medications, therapies, and even electro convulsive therapy.

Apparently, they couldn’t burn this witch.

So I have learned a thing or two about surviving these periods. Here is my recipe, in case of emergency.

00:00 Start
00:27 Psychiatry and me
00:50 Disowning disorder
01:40 A recipe: In Case of Emergency
01:55 The importance of hydration
02:07 Extend love
02:27 Confide
02:35 Gentle magic
03:05 Wet dreams

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I mean, bliss, ease and joy are cool and everything, but have you ever tried a delicious hot dose of despair? I’m about to give you a delectable and sensuous way to be with misery.

Hello, my name is Anna Bellissima. I am an extremely powerful magician, as of course are you and it may not surprise you to learn that I have over the years received at least my fair share of psychiatric diagnosis and treatments, including medications, therapies and even electroconvulsive therapy. Apparently, they couldn’t burn this witch.

After I decided to stop thinking of my moods or personality as being in any way disordered, I began instead considering myself to be beautiful, powerful and whole. And coincidentally, I began to become beautiful, powerful and whole. All of this is to explain that my shadow loves to crawl-splash through the murky waters of anxiety, despair, helplessness, shame and rage.

Thankfully, these days it is almost always a fleeting visit. But I have learned a thing or two about surviving these periods. In my experience, these practices help by changing our response to what we’re going through. In the words of Byron Katie, ‘We only suffer when we argue with reality.’

So here is my recipe, in case of emergency. One, rename what is going on. This is not a low mood or a funk or an existential crisis. Call it an integration. Drink a glass of water because it never hurts to do so and add a flower essence or clove tincture if they are to hand.

In a hot, comforting alchemical bath, invite your sadness to come forward and play. Meet them as you would your favorite child or pet completely willing to be with them without trying to change or judge only love contact a confidant. It will help you and them.

Give yourself some self touch, followed by some gentle magical practices like lighting the candles and incense on your altar, drawing a tarot card. Hypersigiling from a better place next week. Draw a glyph of your deity on your body, give yourself nourishing food and tuck itself into bed for an early night.

Fall asleep in conversation with your dream genius with a clear request for sexy dreams about your holy guardian angel with a rakish smile, enchanted to watch you squirm and suffer. I hope you will save this video so that you can use it next time you experience a crisis of despair. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe to this channel and have a look in the description below where I will link the practices I mentioned today.

I send you my love. Thank you for being here with me and I will see you next time.

Practical Magick - Good Question

Practical Magick - Good Question

Anna Bellissima

Abundance, Romance and Success – new style affirmations

A new way of creating affirmations for people too intelligent and sarcastic to get along with the traditional kind.

If you ever find yourself stewing in your own thoughts, trying to solve problems that seem impossible, this video offer you a solution that works so well, I believe it is actually magic.

00:00 Start
00:34 Inside your beautiful mind
01:10 What your brilliant brain has wrong, and an example
02:50 What to do instead
03:43 What to do next

🖤 Hypersigil video (mentioned): True Lies

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If you ever find yourself trapped in circular thoughts, stewing, trying to solve problems that seem intractable, I’m about to offer you a solution that works so well, I believe it is actually magic.

Hello, my name is Anna Bellissima I am an extremely powerful magician, as, of course, are you. And in a moment, I’m going to give you the specific method for untangling the tangliest of conundrums without breaking your brain. But first, let’s have a look inside that beautiful head of yours. Now, of course, our minds are infinitely wondrous and perform almost unimaginable feats of intellect on a daily basis. Personally, I would not wish to be without one, but I have noticed that sometimes, like a piece of software glitching, they become stuck in a loop, replaying a particular question over and over again, overheating as they grind away to discover a solution and provide us with an answer.

It can be quite distracting while you are at the beach intending to enjoy the sea air, the delicious breeze, the game of Frisbee with your loved ones, the sensation of sand between your toes and in your picnic, your sweet, diligent mind keeps interrupting your experience. An error message, a well-meaning error message popping up every two minutes to say, This is lovely, but the car was making a funny noise. How are you going to pay for the repairs? And more often than not, there is no immediate or simple solution.

And if there were, it wouldn’t be interrupting your day at the seaside. So instead of trying to think your way to an answer, try thinking a better question, because one of the fundamental things that our thinking brain has wrong is believing that it is its responsibility to come up with a solution when in fact the best solutions come from the part of our mind that has nothing to do with thinking at all. Now, I do appreciate that thinking about thinking can be rather tricksy.

So let me give you a concrete example. So you are self-employed and times are hard as they are for everybody at some stage setting up in business now pondering questions like should I launch a new product? Should I hold a flash sale? Should I see if I can get a part time job? Should I invest in more business advice or less? is wonderful. If you can give yourself a quick answer that feels good and is actionable, but there is no correct answer to these questions, so you may well find yourself ruminating, in which case I invite you to ask instead a very different type of question, which is actually extremely related to the practice of writing a hypersigil which which we explored in an earlier episode of Practical Magic.

The exercise is this: cast your mind forward just a little way into the future. And from that perspective, ask, Wow, when did business become so easy for me? Where did all these perfect customers come from? How did I become so confident and when did I become so lucky? Asking the right questions is what gives you the right answers. Be sure to include key words for how you want this to feel.

Easy, perfect, creative, confident, lucky. Then shrug your shoulders, shake your head in wonder at all your good fortune and let your brain chew over these delightful questions until at some point in the next few hours or the next couple of days, it will deliver you a part of the answer, a thread you can follow. And as you keep on mulling over those delightful questions about how everything worked out so easily and so, so beautifully for you, your unconscious mind will drip feed you – will drip feed your consciousness – with each next step in turn.

I would love to know how your thinking mind responds to this. So leave me a comment and don’t forget to explore the rest of my channel, particularly the very relevant lesson on hypotheticals I mentioned, which I will link in the description. Thank you so much for being here with me today and I look forward to seeing you next time. Bye bye.

Practical Magick - Sigils

Practical Magick - Sigils

Anna Bellissima

If you are interested in shaping reality through the use of magic, you’ll want to learn about these weird and witchy symbols: sigils.

In this episode I explain how magic is a technology, and how to use sigils through a step-by-step creation process… including an incredibly effective method for boosting their power.

00:00 Start
00:30 Don’t believe in magic? Doesn’t matter
01:05 What are sigils and what we you use them for?
01:54 Outline of the process
02:25 Step 1: desire
02:50 Step 2: create
05:05 Power boost – ‘shoaling’
05:58 Step 3: charging your sigils

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If you are interested in shaping reality through the use of magic, you will want to learn about these weird and witchy symbols called sigils.

My name is Anna Bellissima. I’m an extremely powerful magician, as of course are you, and i’m going to talk you through the exact steps to make and use these shapes in your magic.

But first, I want you to really understand that magic is not a belief system. It is a technology. It evolves through hypothesis, experiment, and meticulous note taking, so you do not need to believe in magic in order to try this out. You just need to be able to suspend your disbelief for long enough to earnestly perform your magic, and then stay open and curious about whatever happens next. Magic always yields results and they are always unexpected.

So these shapes are called sigils and each one represents a phrase that affirms the reality that you are creating with your magic. They are symbols that are filled with the energy of our desire, and we fill them with that energy through our attention, intention, and psychic energy. Personally, I have used sigils to entirely reinvent myself, to unlock ridiculous levels of self-expression, to find myself deeply embedded in a wonderfully supported community, to build a business I love, to find marketing easy and fun, to manifest income goals and an actual pony.

There is really no limit to what you can create and this is the four-step process of creation which i will talk you through in more detail. Define your desire: number one. Number two: create the sigil number. Three: charge the sigil. And finally, become unattached to the outcome of your magic. There is also a very cool hack which I’m going to talk to you about which will boost the power of all your sigils. And i will come to that right after I’ve made a sigil with you.

There are a few different methods of sigil creation, and you can even find websites that will automatically generate sigils for you, but this is the method I learned and the one I always use. Hit Pause now while you grab a pencil and paper and write down your desire across the top of the page.

Make sure it is phrased in the positive – no negative language – and that there is a mundane means to manifestation. So if you’re after a new job make sure that you are actually applying for jobs. Refine and rephrase your affirmation as many times as you need to. Listen to yourself say it out loud and then when you’re happy with it, write it out in capital letters.

And I am working with, ‘Every day is a good hair day.’

So the first thing you need to do is cross out all the vowels. People always ask about the letter Y, I say leave it in. People always ask about numbers and currency symbols, and I would also leave those in two, but I do caution against money magic as your very first spell. Money magic tends to be done with a lot of watching and waiting energy, which tends to just lead to more watching and waiting. So I’m going to cross out all of the vowels in my phrase and here is what i’m left with.

Next we’re going to cross out all duplicate consonants, so the letters that you will have left, you just want one representative of each letter remaining. So I have one V one R one Y D S G H and the consonants I am left with are: V R Y D G H. The next thing we’re going to do is sort of squash the elements of these letters together to create a nice weird-looking symbol. You might need to cross out your workings and start again. You can take as long as you wish over this process. The only outcome is to be left with a symbol that might look creepy if you found it scratched on the wall of an abandoned building.

So i’m going to make mine now.

This is why I suggest you take much longer, but this is the sigil that i have created from my consonants. Once you’re happy with your sigil, draw it in pen on some good paper, and cut it out so you have a nice little talisman, like these ones, that can live on your altar.

Now, the symbol you’ve just made is not up to full power yet. It needs to be charged. But before i get to that part, I’m going to give you the hack i mentioned that makes this process way more powerful. And that is to create several sigils which all support one central desire. I read about this on Gordon White’s blog, Rune Soup. It works really well and he explained the concept as being like a shoal of fish. So when one moves, the whole shoal moves. If for example, you wanted to meet a new romantic partner, you could make a sigil for meeting funny and creative people; that every day is a good hair day; that i feel confident and attractive, and so on.

So by all means, save this video, make your whole shoal of sigils, and then come back here to learn how to put them to work.

Once you have made your shoal of sigils, leave them on an altar until such time as you are ready to charge them. Now, the idea is to gaze upon the sigils when your mind is empty of all other thoughts, which anyone who has tried to meditate will tell you is far easier said than done. One option for creating an empty mind is fear, so you could take your sigils on a roller coaster, or to watch a horror movie. Physical exhaustion is another thing that can cause an empty mind; sexual climax is a very popular way of charging your sigils, or you can use a trick of magical consciousness where you will create a magical atmosphere with candles, incense, meditation and so on, and then use the power of your imagination to kind of trick yourself into the deep belief that you are dreaming; that you are the dreamer of the dream.

And you are at a slight advantage here if you’ve tried psychedelic drugs or experienced episodes of mania, but this is not beyond anybody with an imagination. Just work at it until you feel an energetic shift, a sense of high strangeness, and then stare at your sigils one by one in the candlelight until they seem to quiver and almost take on their own consciousness, and you will have the thought, ‘Oh shit, I’ve really done it. I’ve created an inevitable reality. I have made magic.’

Then leave your sigils on your altar, or pin them somewhere where you will glance at them each day, and then ground yourself back to reality with a barefoot walk, hugging a tree, drinking some water, eating something.

And remember to release your sigils with deep gratitude, and set them on fire on a full moon when you notice that they are doing their work and the magic is incoming. As with all topics of magic, there is much nuance and depth and much to discuss around sigils, but I hope you have found this very brief introduction helpful.

Please let me know if you have any questions, and do explore my channel for related topics, like one on creating an altar for your sigils to sit on. Thank you so much for being here with me today i look forward to seeing you next time.

Practical Magick - Signs, Omens, Synchronicities

Practical Magick - Signs, Omens & Synchronicities

Anna Bellissima

Signs, Omens and Synchronicities: in other words, fundamentals of Augury: the practice of reading and making sense of portents.

This is the language the Universe uses to communicate with us – to wake us from our ordinary, mundane consciousness – so if you want to dance with magic and change, you need to know how to recognise, interpret and respond to these messages from another realm.

In this video you’ll learn:
🦌 The difference between a sign, an omen and a synchronicity (and examples) [0:54]
🦌 Why synchronicities happen [6:10]
🦌 How to attract synchronicities, and how to respond [8:00]

🐸 Quick and Dirty Alchemy
🐸 Working with Dreams

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If you’re on a quest to experience a magical life, you need to understand signs, omens and synchronicities.

My name is Anna Bellissima. I am an extremely powerful magician, as of course, are you. And, do you want to listen? If you are a very intelligent person with a short attention span like me, adjust the playback of this lesson to one point two five speed. You will get all the information in less time. And this helps me immensely when I am in the mercury current.

Now, as an announcement, the information I share on this channel can change your life to an overall experience of joy and bliss instead of suffering. So it would therefore be sensible to subscribe and click the little picture of a bell, so you get to learn it all.

So to the subject at hand, signs, omens and synchronicities in other words, the fundamentals of augury, which is the practice of reading and making sense of portents. I’m going to share with you some ways to attract and respond to these nods from the universe. But first, some foundational understanding. Let’s define our terms and look at some examples.

As far as I can tell, from my extensive reading, the difference between a sign and an omen is far too subtle to be of much interest to me. Although I do note that omen is more frequently used as an indicator of a negative event.

However, a sign is an object quality event or entity whose presence indicates the presence of something else, an object, quality, event or entity whose presence indicates the presence of something else. It is something that indicates something else. And of course, whether the something else it indicates is desired or feared by you is somewhat beside the point. Some signs you will know, such as the white feather indicating the presence of a departed loved one, or breaking a mirror starting a run of bad luck. And these are more or less culturally accepted, while others are very personal to the individual. If you don’t already have a suite of signs that you recognize immediately as your wink from the great mystery, then I advise you to take a moment or two now to decide on one or two. These would be something that you don’t see all the time, like, for example, a black car. But that does have a mundane means of manifestation in your typical environment. So, for example, some of my signs are white horses, biplanes, vintage sports cars, foxes and pink ribbons.

Synchronicities are rather similar, but more elaborate. Carl Jung, the psychologist and psychiatrist who gave us analytical psychology and the concept of the shadow, developed the principle of synchronicity in the nineteen sixties to describe the occurrence of circumstances or events that appear meaningfully related but where no causal connection is apparent; events or situations that appear related, but where there is no causal connection, the only thing they have in common is their meaning. So the simplest example of synchronicity is when you think of your Aunt Daphne just moments before the telephone rings.

But you may have experienced the more baroque and intricate stories that unfold when we respond to these synchronicities in a kind of dance. About six months ago, I gave a three card tarot reading to a lady I had known for a few years on the Internet but never met in person. I don’t think she gave me a question for the reading, but the message that came through for her was unequivocal. The great mystery is calling you: purchase some incense, start meditating and listen to your intuition.

About three weeks later, about three weeks after the reading, I woke up in bed from a very insistent dream that had just one word for me. Augur: A U G U R.. So I woke up and of course looked up the definition and read this. And Augur was a priest in classical Rome whose main role was the practice of augury, interpreting the will of the gods by studying the behavior of birds.

Later the same day, I received a message from my tarot client who wanted me to know, and I quote, “I’ve been burning nag champa and there’s a crow eating out of my hand. I feel like the universe is speaking.” So far, so wild. Right? So I took this story because this kind of story delights me to my magical community. And much later that evening, I logged on and saw this, “Anna, the most beautiful thing just happened. I am planning a spell. I need to buy soil from the spirit at the local crossroads.

This morning, I read a couple of posts here, including yours. Which I pondered on for a moment and I decided to go look for a crossroads to trade what I need from the spirits. After wandering and making a couple of wrong stops, I sat down in the park feeling defeated. In that moment, I remembered a crossroads near my place, beautiful classical architecture and massive trees. I went there and asked the spirit if it was OK to take some soil. I was standing there thinking, How will I know if the answer is real or if it’s just my imagination? Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw a huge flock of pigeons pecking on the ground. And then I looked across the street and saw this beautiful facade of a building and between sculptures of angels, a huge engraved sign read augury and big golden capital letters. How did this sign appear right now? And not once did I notice it before? Of course I had my answer.”

So why does synchronicity happen and how can we engage in a dance with it? The purpose of synchronicity is to take us out of our ordinary state of consciousness; an ordinary state of consciousness being rolled out of bed, get to work, go to the supermarket and complain about the sore hip and the need to pay taxes. A sign or synchronicity is a nudge, a bell, a surprise that jolts us out of this very compelling but limiting reality. And it jolts our conscious awareness into a state of wow, whoa, the remembrance that there is far more at work and at play in the universe than we can immediately see and hear around us. A sign or synchronicity teases us to loosen our grip on reality, which inevitably involves suffering. And in that state, we feel awareness expand. We sense our connection to everything else in the universe.

Synchronicities deliver one of two gifts. Either they are providing you guidance or counsel, pointing you turn it to the next step on your path. So that would be something like meeting an old friend in a coffee shop who can set up an introduction which leads to an opportunity. Or they are delivering to you a personal acknowledgement, a wink from the universe to confirm your power and your magic. So if, for example, you are somebody who frequently sees repeated number sequences, when you look at a digital clock, that’s the purpose of those kind of synchronicities. The universe is telling you your intuition is strong. Now go out and learn a new way to play this game.

Now, as seems to be true with almost everything I speak about, the trick to creating more synchronicity is to be deliberate, earnest and diligent in your commitment to experiencing more synchronicity. That means paying attention to what is happening around you rather than dwelling in your thoughts. The moment you decide to experience more synchronicity, more synchronicity rolls in. And the more you demonstrate your commitment to seeing, experiencing and responding to synchronicity, the more powerful the flow. And you can demonstrate this through performing ceremonial magic or daily ritual or through of the spiritual practices like meditation, creating a hypersigil, drawing tarot cards, interpreting dreams and so on.

But of course, this cannot be forced. This is our old friend Attachment to Outcome. And the easiest way to address that particular vice is through my quick and dirty alchemy protocol, which I will link for you below. If a synchronicity has shown up to give you a wink and acknowledgment of your power, the way to respond is simply to breathe it in, bask in it, thank the universe and accept the sign as a confirmation of your part in the dance of creation.

You can even decide right now that every synchronicity you experience gives you a kind of energetic upgrade and you permanently expand your awareness and boost your creative battery. If, on the other hand, a synchronicity is showing you towards your path and you will need to exercise discernment in deciding what synchronicity or sign is fulfilling what purpose for you right now, then the course of action is slightly different. You need to acknowledge your gratitude to the universe for the clear signpost.

Isn’t that what you’ve been asking for? Show me a sign, O Lord. And yes, you do have to follow through with action. Ignore these synchronicities at your peril. Not that any danger will befall you, but if you ask for synchronicity. Or miracles or guidance, and you get them. Well, you have an obligation to keep your side of the bargain and I very much hope that you do, because that’s how one finds oneself wearing antlers on YouTube. You must follow the path and you don’t have to know where it’s taking you, as my beloved Saint Augustine said, “Salvatore ambulando.” By walking, it is solved.

In other words, we find out where we’re going by going. Yes, it will be scary. The unknown always is. But please know that although action is compulsory, you do not have to take action immediately in a rushed way or without due consideration. So when a path is given, I invite you to sit with it and let it percolate through your body, your emotional field and your thoughts for a few days.

And in the meantime, while you’re looking out for other synchronicities and signs, you can ask your dreams, your intuition, the universe for more confirmation, more reassurance, and you will receive further guidance to clarify and confirm the details of what you need to do so that you can move forward when you are not activated by fear.

I would love to hear from you about the synchronicities that you’ve experienced. Thank you so much for being here with me today. And I will see you next time. Bye bye.

Practical Magick - Hypersigils

Practical Magick - Hypersigils

Anna Bellissima

If you are soul incarnated in a human body, and you desire things, you may wish to try your hand at magic.

Hypersigiling – a specific form of writing – is one of the most potent spells I know, and in this video I share exactly how to go about turning a straightforward journalling exercise, into irresistible magic.

00:00 Start
00:38 Defining our terms
01:14 Technologies to change the rules of The Game of Limitation
01:50 Basic explanation of a hypersigil
02:03 Beyond journalling
02:15 Suggested practice, step by step
03:00 Example hypersigil entry

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- Transcript -

If you are a soul incarnated in a human body and if you desire things you may wish to try your hand at magic. I’m about to tell you one of the most potent spells I know.

Hello my name is Anna Bellissima. I am an extremely powerful magician as of course are you and in a moment I’m going to tell you exactly how to perform this magic word spell. But first let’s define some terms. Magic is the causation of synchronicity. It is the active participation in the creation of synchronicity and synchronicity is the occurrence of two or more events which appear to be unrelated in cause but which share an undeniable resonant meaning. So magic therefore is the business of making synchronicities happen. It is participating and molding change rather than resisting it. It is a new way of playing the game of limitation.

And today we’re talking about a couple of technologies you can use for more effective molding of reality. Things of course are always working out perfectly for you but this is about owning your desires and changing the rules of the game of limitation. Now if you watched my first video on this channel you will have seen me talking about sigils and you will be familiar with that which is one of my favorite technologies. But in that video I also briefly mentioned the magical practice of hyper sigiling and I’ve had a lot of inquiries about what that is and how you do it.

Now the simplest explanation of a hyper sigil is that it is a type of journaling exercise so it’s definitely for you if you enjoy writing especially if you enjoy writing with a pen on paper. But beyond the actual writing prompts in hyper sigil is a rich dense layer of intention and magic. So if you want to try this as a practice here’s what I suggest. Plan, prepare and perform a short ceremony of your own design to consecrate your tools, your journal and your pen. Decide that your journal and your pen are a mythic conjoining. Two parts creating a spirit channel between your incarnate soul and the field where reality is created. Make an altar to your journal and pen and keep them on it when you are not feeding them with offerings of your words and wishes. And write in your journal every day describing the events you desire as if they have already come to pass.

So this evening we took the new car out for a spin around the countryside with the top down while the Sun was setting. For such an old old car she is in spectacular condition and such fun to drive. Everyone smiles when they see her. The weather was perfect and just as we arrived home we saw an owl taking off in flight over the ponies field. Now that is not how I recall yesterday’s events but that’s an example of the kind of thing you will be writing as your hyper sigil. Keep your altar clean and tidy, keep feeding your journal with your offerings and let me know exactly what happens.

Right now I am in the middle of writing a 21-day hyper sigil quest, an extended word spell to get you deep into this practice including all of the juicy and delicious flourishes I’ve learned and now include in my practice. If you’re interested I will leave more details in the description below.

I hope you’ve enjoyed watching this video. Please explore my channel for others and remember if you subscribe you’ll get notified when I post something new. Thank you for being here with me.

Practical Magic - Quick & Dirty Alchemy

Practical Magick - Quick & Dirty Alchemy

Anna Bellissima

If you’re casting magic or setting intentions, ‘non-attachment to outcome’ is a key ingredient.

The only way to ‘not care’ is to be deeply and blissfully OK with any outcome, and the key to THAT, friends, is to have a ridiculously effective (and preferably quick, dirty and fun) method to turn your pain into power.

To turn “oooooh I really really REALLY need things to go this exact way”, into “either way, I get what I want.”

I recommend practicing this method several times a day.

DISCLAIMER: This method is NOT trauma-informed and is NOT suitable if you are deep in depression, anxiety, active trauma or grief. You are responsible for your own well-being. I see you, depressed folks. I’ve been you. Sit this one out.

00:00 – Start
00:29 – The question at hand – what is non attachment to outcome and how do I cultivate it?
01:06 – Just for fun: an imagination game
01:48 – The Limitation Game
02:30 – Changing the way you play
03:30 – Becoming anti-fragile – going beyond resilience
03:58 – The quick and dirty alchemy process
06:19 – In an emergency
06:48 – The importance of exquisite self-care.

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If you ever set intentions, cast spells, manifest magic or in any other ways deliberately engineer reality, your workings will be vastly amplified by cultivating an attitude of non-attachment to outcome. And i’m going to tell you how to do that.

Hello, I’m Anna Bellissima. I am an extremely powerful magician, as of course are you, and today I’m answering the question: what is non-attachment to outcome, and how do I cultivate it? An excellent question. And the predictable but also thrilling answer is that you do it through shadow integration. I’m going to give you my 3 step, brutally effective, shadow integration process to become unattached, open and surrendered to the universe. A vital ingredient in magical workings, and in living a joyful and creative life.

But first some background. Just for fun, imagine that you are an all-powerful deity. You can create and destroy galaxies with a snap of your fingers. You can assume any physical or metaphysical form you desire, from a clamshell to a fertility god. Nothing can or could ever oppose you. And to break the monotony of endless bliss, you chose to play a game. And as soon as you decided to play, you were incarnated as a human soul in a sweet little baby’s body, and you began to learn through experience, and through explicit teachings from parents and from the culture, what it means to feel limited.

In fact, that’s the name of the game: limitation. And ever since you got here, you’ve also been taught that certain sensations, physical or emotional, cause you suffering and must be avoided at all costs. Nothing in this game is real. Every object, environment, situation you encounter, is created by the game running in your consciousness to give the seamless illusion of limitation. And every intelligence you interact with, every person, animal, plant, deity, reflects some facet of the game of limitation, or they give you a message that you need in order to progress. And then one day – today – you receive a message in the game that gives you a new way to play. And the message is this: pain hides power.

Yes, like finding hidden treasure in a story-based adventure game, you can consciously and deliberately seek out spots of pain, execute a quick and easy process, and instead of suffering, you receive a huge boost of power, by which I mean, magic, creativity, joy, fulfilment, freedom. Wouldn’t that change the way you play the game of limitation? Instead of shying away from painful situations and desperately trying to control outcomes to go in your favour, instead you’d get a hit of excitement when bad feelings come up, in anticipation of the incoming bliss. And even better if the process itself is quick, dirty, and fun. No more suffering. Only either pleasure, or alchemy.

And then we go beyond resilience, or just bouncing back, into becoming beings who are actually anti-fragile, who become stronger through challenge, and not by toughening up, but by deepening into love and into our role as divine creators. It is a very big promise. And nevertheless, I invite you to experiment with this thought for at least the next two weeks.

So here in full is your hack for the game of limitation.

Important note: this process is not suitable if you are deep in depression, anxiety, disassociation, or grief; nor if you are in a state of active trauma. If that’s you, I want you to go and look up some tapping with Brad Yates or Byron Katie. Don’t do this work now, please. You are responsible for your own well-being.

Now that those cats have gone: this process has six steps but in a push, or in public, if you’re trying to do it in the moment, and you have no time, just use steps three to five. Ready?

Here we go: number one: when you notice discomfort of any kind, and you don’t need to be able to name the emotion or sensation, take yourself to a quiet space where you can sit or stand with your back against a wall. Hug something, a pillow, a bag, or a coat to your chest, or just cross your arms in front of yourself and hug yourself. Two: look around the space and notice that you are safe. Breathe calmly, then return your attention to your body. These are the vital steps of the process.

Number three: allow your discomfort to be felt. Let it build. Using your imagination, amplify the sensation so that you feel it even more. More sadness, more fear, more shame, more resentment, whatever it is, and remember you don’t have to name it. When the energy is at a peak say this out loud: I am not afraid of the dark. I created this illusion. My will is done and I reclaim my power. Feel the energy in your body continue to grow and move, and vividly imagine it transmuting from pain into power, health, vitality, magic, manifestation, energy, creativity, freedom, love, joy. Maintain that feeling. Step six: maintain that feeling for as long as you can and repeat every time you discover a new bad feeling.

In an emergency, you can perform steps four to six only and say step five silently to yourself if you are in a public place and don’t wish to draw attention. You will find that many of these emotions and situations require this process to be repeated numerous times before the illusion of limitation is completely dispelled. At other times, the relief is immediate and permanent.

Learning about ourselves as the creators of reality is not without challenges. And once we start to play the game of limitation in a new way, weird shit starts to happen: unexpected results, ridiculous synchronicities, and just reality seeming to twist and dissolve and reform. It can be quite tiring. It is an exhilarating ride, so be sure to be unequivocally on your own side with exceptional and exquisite self-care.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this little class. Please check out my recent videos on tarot and on dreamwork, and if you subscribe, you will never miss an episode. Thank you for joining me.

Practical Magick - Build an Altar

Practical Magick - Build an Alter

Anna Bellissima

A short step by step on building your altar for magical workings. Spirits will show up there, because you intend them to.

The magic always works, and always in unexpected ways.

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If you decide to engage the support of magic in your various life endeavours, you will soon be called upon to create an altar. In fact, why not create the altar before you are called upon to do so, to demonstrate your eagerness to learn and your openness to experience?

I preface everything I’m about to say with the injunction that there is no prescription for the perfect altar and you can’t really do it wrong. It doesn’t matter where you put it, spirits will turn up there because you intend them to. If you don’t have the right altar cloth, use a tray or a piece of paper, you can make an altar from a tree stump and a stone. Spirits will meet you there because you intend it.

The first thing to do is to select a place for your altar. It can be a discreet corner of a bookshelf, the top of a dresser, it can be in a public area of your home or somewhere just for you. It can be permanent or temporary and when you’ve decided on your space, then clean and tidy the area unless you’re creating an altar somewhere like a deconsecrated derelict church, an abandoned warehouse or a tree stump in the woods, in which case embrace the aesthetic. You can follow that with a smoke cleanse with herbs like muggle, lavender, rosemary or sage. And if you dislike smoke, you can buy metaphysical cleaning sprays or you can even just use sound like chiming a bell or clapping your hands loudly to move stagnant energy.

Place a cloth to demarcate the area as sacred. You can use a cloth in a colour that corresponds with your desires for the altar or the deity you’re working with or use a tray or even a piece of coloured paper. I’m using a vintage designer scarf because it corresponds with my intentions for this altar.

Then it’s time to start placing your accoutrements. For a permanent altar, I pass each one through frankincense smoke and utter a silent prayer to the smoke to purify and consecrate them. The most basic altar can just hold a candle preferably again in the corresponding color, a stick of incense and a glass of water. Beyond that, you can add effigies, amulets and talismans, pictures, statues, tarot cards, your handwritten petition, photos of past loved ones who had a particular skill or attitude that you wish to invoke, crystals, food and drink, fresh flowers. Feel free to add new items every day or as often as you choose. For example, you could add a white feather that falls into your path or a beautiful leaf or petal or any small items you come across that strike you as sacred.

I also store some of my magical paraphernalia on my altars. For example, I have some very sacred anointing oil and incenses which demand to be kept in a holy place and likewise I keep my meditation mala on my altar.

Once your altar is built, perform a brief consecration. You could recite the Orphic hymn or a poem of your own to a particular spirit or deity or simply a few minutes of meditation followed by the spoken heartfelt wish that your devotions be heard.

Practical Magick - Dreams

Practical Magick - Dreams

Anna Bellissima

How to dream, and what to do with them: the no-fail method for turning dreams into reality.

The magic always works, and always in unexpected ways.

00:00 Start
00:40 How to make dreams reality: 3 steps
00:58 Why make the effort?
02:03 Participating in dreaming
03:17 Step 1
05:56 Step 2
06:32 Step 3
07:44 An actual nightmare
08:22 Extremely Advanced Magick
09:12 How to learn more
09:55 Summary

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- Transcript -

Hello, my name is Anna Bellissima. I am sometimes a copywriter and marketer, but I am always a very powerful magician, as of course are you, and I spend a lot of my time teaching people how to integrate more magic into their lives.

In my last video, I shared a delicious little idea, a practical exercise to literally start turning dreams into reality, and today I’m going to expand upon that a little bit. So how do you make your dreams a reality? Dream, note your dreams, record your dreams, and respond to your dreams.

But before we go into those three steps, let’s ask why you would want to do this. Well, of course, during the hours of sleep, our conscious mind, which is usually, I can hear the ice cream van, which is usually the loudest voice in our head, seeds the stage so that the unconscious can step forward and deliver us precious gifts like parables and metaphors and symbols. And we want to receive these messages and symbols because we are in the business of making magic, magic being the experience of actively participating in synchronicity.

And synchronicity is the spontaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible, no obvious connection. And these events can often be, often are, dreams. So this practice is about participating in dreaming and making it be something that we create, we notice and respond to, and not just something that happens to us. And in doing this, we are reflecting back to the universe that we are asking for dreams and noticing them and recording them and responding to them. And the universe can see that you are now participating in the creation of your dreams.

I say that the universe can see, but of course, the universe already knows that what you’re always doing is making your dreams reality. But by doing this, you are signaling that you understand this now, that you are an active participant in your relationship with your unconscious. You are an active participant with the creative force within you, and you are participating, you’re in relationship with the realm beyond reality, where, in the place where reality coagulates.

So let’s go back to our steps. We’ve got three steps. So step one is dream. So what happens if you don’t dream or you’re aware of dreaming but your dreams disappear very quickly on waking? First of all, we need to loosen the grip on the definitive statement that I don’t dream. And also do some research on ways to increase your dreaming and lucid dream. There’s so many options out there. There are herbs that you can smoke or take as tea. This is mugwort. There are well-documented practices. There are guided meditations to help you fall asleep. Or you could create a little altar next to your bed, to your dream genius. And you may find that simply asking for what you need is enough for it to start to be provided.

As always with these things, consistency is key. If you don’t get results on the first night and you give up, you probably won’t get them again. But stay with it and keep intending and lying very still when you first open your eyes in the morning and just gently with a creeping feeling in your mind and heart just inquire back into where were you? Why does my knee feel like that? Where have I just been?

With thanks to my friend Tina Rowley, I have this little altar drawn in the notebook in which I record my dreams so as not to have a candle and incense burning right by my bed. There are various crystals that you can use. Moonstone, of course. Red jasper for dream recall. Amethyst, of course. Blue lotus essential oil. You will find so much advice on dreaming with a quick search and recognize your interest as your intuition. Whichever peaks your interest is where your intuition is guiding you.

Step two, and of course in an appropriately dreamy way, these steps do merge together somewhat, but step two is to note your dreams. And I advise falling asleep, anointed in essential oil, clasping a crystal and with the mantra running through your head as you drift off to sleep, I remember my dreams, I write them down. I remember my dreams, I write them down. And in the morning, before you’re fully conscious, write down your dreams as fully as you possibly can even if the detail and the narrative is scattering away. I have the image of bunnies in a field scattering when they hear human footsteps approach. Write down any impressions you have, emotions, colors, any feelings at all that you can recall.

And then once you’re awake, once you’re fully awake, either the same morning or a bit later in the day, the next step is to respond to your dreams. For me, this involves writing them down properly in my journal and giving a moment’s thought to what they might mean, what would be my first guess at what the dream is telling me. I need to do this without making a judgment beforehand about whether they’re important or meaningful to recall. And then I need to keep the dream in the peripheries of my consciousness for some time during the day, perhaps when I’m occupied with other tasks.

And I’m going to be asking myself questions like, how should I respond to this dream? Is there a conversation I need to have? Is there a creative project that wants to be expressed that is being given to me in this dream? And a lovely way to respond to your dreams that seem maybe quite opaque and difficult to interpret is to see if you can just take one element from the dream and actually perform it in your daily life.

So I had a dream about my very sweet little dog being surrounded by and petted by and adored by very sweet, innocent children in clean cotton summer frocks and so on, on a daisy-studded lawn. It was an idyllic scene, which I probably couldn’t recreate. But I could take my dog for a walk in the park near the playground after school on a sunny day. And I’m sure there would be some children who would like to come and pat his head and say how sweet he is.

And again, the reason for doing this is to demonstrate to the universe and to ourselves our actual ability to bring things through the veil from the dream to the 3D realm. And that, my friends, is extremely advanced magic. Remember, magic is a technology. It’s not a faith. Isaac Newton was a practicing alchemist. What we are doing is having ideas, performing experiments, and recording the results. You don’t need to subscribe to any particular set of beliefs, only to be able to suspend your disbelief enough to stay open to possibility.

Magic always yields results, and it always comes in unexpected ways. If you have watched this whole video, I expect you are interested in finding out more about magic, synchronicity, intuition, and so I invite you to investigate the mystery principle. The mystery principle is transformative, not because I am such a wonderful teacher, but because it is life-changing work. It runs for seven classes. There is a lot more information about it on the page that is linked in the description, and it will be a fairly strong dose of magic for the novice alchemist.

To summarize for you, dream, invoke your dream genius, recall and record your dreams, and respond. If you don’t dream, start asking your dream genius to provide you with messages. If you do, start actively participating in the magic by asking for specific messages, specific guidance, noting the responses, and responding in kind to them. I am really looking forward to hearing what results you get. Thank you so much for watching.