Anna in sparkly dress

Practical Magick: Planetary Magic explained - The Sun

If you’re a person who is shamelessly chasing success, embracing ambition, wealth, pride and power, then, needless to say, you’re going to have to get comfortable in the spotlight. Here’s how you can connect with none other than Helios, king  of the celestial realm. When he turns his light upon you, there are two options: shine, or burn.

My name is Anna Bellissima. I am an extremely powerful magician (as of course are you), and I want you to get everything you desire. If you follow my channel, I’ll introduce you to all the tools and concepts you need to make heaven on earth. Believe me, it can be done. But first, if you’re clever as a fox and twice as cunning, set the playback speed to 1.5 and buckle up.

We are here to get hot with the SUN. In the Greek tradition, he is pulled across the sky by Apollo, god of light. He is RA, the great creator and supreme life force. I’m going to tell you how you can harness this immense power - the literal creative source of all of life - to your own, personal benefit… but first I’m going to share with you exactly why you might wish to put yourself in the way of this absolute disco inferno. You’re familiar with the phrase… ‘if you can’t stand the heat’? This is the planetary kitchen. Some people prefer a quieter life, and that’s ok. However, if you’re ready to explode into success with the force of a thousand suns, then Helios is the nuclear option.

So, who is this magic for? It’s for you if you’re yearning for success with a public face, for leadership and the archetype of the Emperor. With great success often comes great wealth and great influence, and the Sun lends a bounteous generosity to the attainment of your goals. This is the energy of growth and action: vitality, individuality, and unashamed attention seeking. It’s the spell that comes over all of us when we feel the warmth of unconditionally loving attention - but which we learned to suppress because, as little people, what we got in return for our brilliance, was criticism or worse. But of course, with the sun, warmth also comes with illumination. Expect to have your shadows lit up, your fingers burned, and your blocks and self-sabotage to go up in flames.

The Sun has lessons for you and will deliver them with a directness that befits the white flame fireball that keeps us all alive. Your rituals, prayers and intentions with the Sun will send ripples into the field where reality is created, at the speed of light. The results will not arrive in the way you imagine, or the timescale you have planned for. The SUN is glorious, life giving. It causes growth and allows us to SEE the beauty all around us. But sometimes we all yearn for a cool, dark cave, with long, deep shadows.

Remember, you do not need to believe in magic in order to practice it effectively. Magic, as I am fond of saying, is a technology: perform a simple ritual with sincerity, then observe, with an earnest and open heart, the results. For a short general primer on planetary deities, I invite you to look up my earlier episode on working with Mercury. When you’re done watching, take a look in the description, I’ll leave a link for you. But very briefly, here’s what you need to know: planetary magic is a creative act of relationship-building made with intentional offerings, respect and gratitude, specific requests and reciprocity. Just as Jesus has his cross and his psalms, all the deities have a well established list of correspondences - food, drinks, herbs, crystals, days of the week, colours and so on. Think of these as a way to attract the attention of the deity whose assistance you’re seeking.

Mercury and Jupiter are the two planets most often recommended for business and career purposes,  but every one of the planets has extremely useful attributes to bring to your work: my own business is dedicated to Mercury, but I have personally found a great deal of my business only became possible through working with Helios. As you know, magic and shadow work won’t get your business anywhere unless you are also executing the steps to build and grow. That means making decisions like a ruthless future billionaire mogul, iterating your message, creating cut-through marketing… and all of these activities are generally extremely difficult if your confidence is low. Many of us have even had the experience of being incredibly confident, motivated and productive when working for a corporate employer in a corporate environment, but can’t quite create the same energy for our own business. It’s very understandable.

A dominant thought-form in the prevailing Western culture has it that personal confidence and self-promotion are ‘red flags’, unseemly, vulgar, desperate, unlikeable. If you’ve ever found your emotions activated by someone who is unapologetically self-aggrandising, you can be quite sure that, at some point as a little person, you learned that it is ‘good’ to be humble and quiet, and ‘bad’ to demand attention. And it is worth noting that the more white, male, heterosexual, neurotypical and non-disabled you are, the less you will have received this particular indoctrination. So many of us would benefit from a little help to shed this conditioning, in order to let the self-love we have been so carefully and diligently nurturing, to show on the outside. After all, it’s painful to keep trying to blend in, when you know you were born to stand out.

Helios is purpose, confidence, and ultimate leadership. It is a beautiful, adoring relationship with your own unique and wonderful SELF. It is charisma, and magnetising the attention you want and deserve. It is healing and well-being, and burning away the last vestiges of any fucks you used to give about other people’s opinions. I’m sure you’re beginning to understand how beneficial that could be to someone with grand ambitions, like you. Properly asked, Helios will grant you leadership, courage, charisma and beautiful alignment to your mission and vision. It will shine a light on any saboteurs you keep hidden in the shadows, and help you burn to ashes any blocks in your path.

I’m going to take you through a very simple ritual to connect you with the cosmic spotlight, but first let me remind you that the lessons on this channel will change your life. Your future self will thank you for subscribing, so that you never miss a thing. If you’re doing this at your altar, on a Sunday, gather a few offerings from the list of correspondences I’ve put in the description. But for right now, grab the nearest pen and paper and draw a symbol like this: a bullseye. Set the controls for the heart of the Sun.

Next, write a short petition - decide what you will ask for. Just a sentence will do. Please, show me the blocks I cannot see and burn them. Or, please turn the spotlight upon me and help me step into leadership. Or, support my wellbeing and confidence as I explore what success looks like for me. When our family business had all contracts cancelled at the start of the pandemic, with no savings or any other source of income, I very quickly had to gain the courage to effectively market my own new copywriting business. You see, I knew exactly what needed to be done - I had worked in marketing since I was a mere girl of 21. No, it wasn’t a lack of knowledge: it was a lack of courage. A lack of commitment. A lack of faith. These were the foundations that allowed me to take the actions that building a business requires. Experts and mentors encouraged me to run free events, start conversations, make offers and sell my services. But until I took a deliberate approach to cultivating confidence and charisma, my efforts were lacklustre at best, non-existent at worst. We all know that magic requires aligned action in order to manifest. We know what we need to do. But self-doubt will effectively keep us hamstrung for months and even years.

And now back to the Sun. I’m going to walk you through a very short visualisation, and anything else you do will be a bonus. It would be incredibly powerful if you could leave an offering to the Sun. Somewhere out in the open, exposed to the rays. Sunrise, sunset, or midday, at your discretion. You’ll find a list of suggested offerings in the description below. Let’s think about the Sun. Close your eyes, and breathe. Imagine the sun melting your shoulder blades. Imagine the SUN shining down on your gently upturned face. Imagine the wisdom in it's rays, penetrating your skin, warming the layers of you, shooting like golden arrows into the central core of your energy. Think about light, and everything that it makes possible in the world. Think about heat. Think about growth. Imagine BEING the Sun, being the source of growth and only ever experiencing blinding light. Thank you for light. Thank you for heat. Thank you for power. We time our days by the sun's transit across the sky.

Now that we've given attention, energy and gratitude - the most powerful offerings of all - this relationship is initiated. Now, and the next time you leave offerings of mead and flowers, and any time you notice the sun (which will be frequent) as you go about your day… Meditate for a moment on the concept of power. Ponder what it feels like to have the spotlight on you. Imagine what it might be like, to see your shadow illuminated. Contemplate the kind of leader you will become, and how fame and influence might feel. And let those strange and novel sensations tickle the parts of you that have not been tickled in a very long while. Think about being given the best table at a restaurant. Receiving adoring messages from your fans. Think about the money that rolls in effortlessly, when people are hungry to be in your energy. You don’t have to puzzle anything out, just think interesting thoughts related to fame, power and influence, and follow any clues that the Universe presents you with, with the diligence of a hound on the scent.

Finally, ask the sun for the contents of your petition - to burn down your blocks, or place you centre stage, or give you confidence, clarity and charisma, and an appreciation for the skilful wielding of power. Meditate for just a moment or two more, imagining the absolute wonder of what it means to allow a planetary energy to adjust reality on your behalf. And feeling supported by this world instead of at odds with it. And then close the ritual by saying: In thanks for your blessings, HELIOS, God of Light, and Fire, and Heat and Health and Growth and Fame, Confidence and Charisma, I shall return to you with more and bounteous offerings, and I exalt your name. HELIOS, thank you for the generosity with which you share your gifts. Please enjoy these offerings, and stay as long as you wish.

When you are in front of your alter, you will pinch out the candles, but for now you will just note the ceremony - note the day you performed this ritual, what you did, how it felt, what you hope for, what you fear. And over the coming days and weeks, write down how your moods and dreams are affected,  the signs you are given, the breadcrumbs dropped into your path.

Now you can connect with this energy at any time. You can get an app for your phone that will chime during The Sun’s hour, when you could let the concepts of confidence and charisma pass through your body and your mind, and cause you to shiver and smile. In the weeks following, practice non-attachment to outcome alongside your aligned actions, which will be making videos, public speaking gigs, starting conversations, self-promotion, polarising viewpoints - all of these are required as a means to manifestation of all you desire.

If you feel an energy of desperation, of grasping at a precise outcome - my audience HAS to grow really big, RIGHT FUCKING NOW - use that pulsing fear of not getting it, to practice assuming a magicians attitude, as I outline in my lesson on Quick and Dirty Alchemy. Urgency always masks fear, as does procrastination, and is symptomatic of a divided will. The Shadow longs for the drama and intensity of not getting what it wants - of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory once again - and we already know that wicked old shadow does usually get her way. Personal alchemy, in other words, allows us to stop feeling victimised if the results we create are not the results we expected. Again, if any of this feels just too unfamiliar, please do go and watch the Mercury episode first. But I promise that when you see how fast and how brilliantly HELIOS responds, you'll feel that incredible rush of trust and inevitability that comes from having immense power - the power of the most visible of leaders - at your back.

Kitten, I truly hope that this short lesson has helped you on your path to unstoppable magical power - I can’t wait to see what you have in store for the world.

Anna says hi

Practical Magick: Planetary Magic for beginners - Saturn

If you're a person who wants to get things done in this extremely mundane world of law, limitation and regulation, if you want to create lasting foundational wealth, an estate or a castle, then hiring Saturn to your team could be one of the most liberating decisions you make. And it's one I highly recommend. I'm about to exalt his name and share how you too can experience and surrender to this stern and unyielding energy. Stay tuned.

My name is Anna Bellissima. I am an extremely powerful magician. As, of course are you. And this channel exists to equip you with all the tools and concepts you need to achieve your every desire. But first, if you are spitfire, smart and a fast learner, set the playback speed to 1.5. You will focus much better that way. Today we are talking about Saturn, the planetary deity, also known in the Greek pantheon as Chronos. I'm going to tell you exactly how to initiate a relationship with him and what you might expect.

But before we get into the nuts and bolts of our Saturn devotions, let's ask why would we do this? After all, many magicians caution against an overabundance of Saturnian energy living as we do in an earthly realm, which seems often hogtied by regulation, laws, forces restrictions are all around us. Sometimes we feel as though we could scarcely move, let alone fly. So why again would we invite more of this energy? Because as I keep reminding you, the only way to change anything is by loving it.

Hate limitation. Learn to love it. Hate your situation. Discover what there is to adore about it. After all, what do you come to truly understand through studying limitation? That's right. Limitlessness.

Now, if you're feeling a slight or large apprehension about welcoming in more of that energy that causes so many of us so much difficulty and strife, then I do not for a moment blame you. What I can tell you is that Saturn is a rigorous and generous teacher, and that the poison path is the fast and maybe the only route to alchemy. And I include poisonous situations, establishments and people here too. Plants and fungi aren't the only ones who get to be baneful.

Your rituals and intentions will send ripples into the field where reality is created and the results will not arrive in the way you think you need them. Very often they come just as you are giving up hope. In other words, when you are confronted with your helplessness, your limitation, and your illusion of control. Only Saturn can release any being, event or situation from his constraint. You'll never beat him, so you may as well get down on your knees and beg for mercy.

Remember, you do not need to believe in magic in order to practice it effectively. Magic is a technology. Perform the acts and observe with an earnest and open heart the results. And after that extensive preamble, we are ready to talk more about Saturn for a short general primer on planetary deities. I invite you to look at my earlier episode on working with Mercury. I'll leave a link, but watch this one first. Here's what you need to know. Planetary magic is a creative act of relationship building made with intentional offerings, respect and gratitude, specific requests and reciprocity.

Just as Jesus has his cross and his psalms, all the deities have a well-established list of correspondences, things they enjoy to attract their attention: food, drink, herbs, crystals, colours, symbols and so on. Mercury and Jupiter are the two planets most often recommended for business and career purposes. But every one of the planetary deities has extremely useful attributes to lend to your work. My own business is dedicated to Mercury, but I have personally found a great deal of benefit from time spent working with Saturn as well.

As you know, Saturn is the energy of authority, discipline, endurance, limitation, and laws and forces, including from gravity to government. Saturn gives us numbers which quantify and limit everything they touch. Saturn is the gatekeeper to magic and the astral realms and the outer planets of the solar system. He teaches by challenging. He binds your wrists and attends to your education with rigid focus.

Properly asked, he will effectively banish constraints that seem impenetrable, particularly pertaining to law, business and the cultivation of stability and strength. Before I talk you through a simple ritual, I would like to remind you that this channel will change your life if you watch and implement the lessons. Your future self will. Thank you for subscribing so that you never miss a thing. I find Saturn to appreciate a rather understated approach, an offering on a simple wooden tray of a black candle, a small espresso, and perhaps his glyph drawn upon a card.

Next, decide what you will ask for. My first working with Saturn was when I found myself faced with the challenge of obtaining a proper education for one of my children. Faced with a catastrophically underfunded and fundamentally broken special educational needs department, Saturn helped me to focus on the perfect outcome, even when I could not imagine what that might possibly be. My prayer was for an outcome that meets all of my son's needs and mine, and which liberates my time and energy.

Naturally, we found the perfect situation for him. But then we were required to fight in a legal battle. It would have been easy to fall prey to those old demons of stress and worry as we prepared for our day in court. But I had walked countless miles through the woods, tracks and fields near my home over months, chanting Saturn's mantra 91 times per walk. And I knew without a shadow of a doubt that we would win. What happened, in fact, was far stranger.

The local government conceded the case and agreed to our requested solution before the court date. But due to a legal technicality, all parties were still required to appear before the judge. The judge demanded the local government rewrite large sections of my son's support. Document to make it even more watertight and better in our favour. In other words, we left with a better outcome than I could have imagined. I have personally seen Saturn works similar miracles on bullies, tricksters and scam artists, while legal matches are an obvious choice for petition,

you can quite simply ask for his help navigating this world of limitation and restriction in a way that is always and obviously in your favour. Planetary deities are rather transactional. So tell Saturn what you offer in return for his blessings. More coffee? A dry martini honouring his day, exalting his name. All are perfect. But just be sure when he delivers that you uphold your side of the deal. For the ritual, clear a space.

Be clean. Be in a space that is clean. And gather your offerings. Cleanse the space with smoke or sound, light the candle. Place down the espresso. Ask Saturn to accept your humble offerings. Meditate upon the concept of limitation. Consider all the different ways that limitation manifests in our human experience.

Think about back pain and parking tickets, taxes and bylaws. Faceless, soulless corporations. And the loneliness of the long distance runner.

Thank Saturn for the precious gifts. The laws and forces of physics that keep us tethered in this beautiful human form, tethered here on earth by his command.

Ask him to show you the gift in all limitations, your experience, and to share with you. Focus, authority, diligent cultivation and a love for feeling your feet sink into deep, rich soil.

Ask him to help you bring unshakable wealth. A castle with stone walls three foot thick. To reinforce your own boundaries as you go about bringing your free as a bird dreams into the world. Ask for the courage and steadfastness to limit your dreams by making them real.

Meditate for a short while, imagining the absolute wonder of what it means to allow a planetary energy to adjust reality on your behalf

and feeling supported by this world instead of at odds with it.

Then close the ritual by saying: in thanks for your blessings, Saturn, God of time and death, we shall return to you with more and bounteous offerings and exalt your name.

Saturn, thank you for the generosity with which you share your gifts. Thank you for limitations, including tooth decay and the police. Please enjoy these offerings and leave whenever it pleases you. Then pinch out your candles. Note the ceremony, what you did, how it felt, what you hope for, and what you feel in your journal over the coming days. Note how your moods and dreams are affected, and now you can connect with this energy at any time.

You can get an app for your phone that will chime during Saturn's hour when you could let the ideas flit across your mind of limitation and all the earth being organized to support you. In the weeks that follow, practicing non-attachment to outcome is your only task aside from the aligned actions, seeking legal advice, filing your tax returns, etc. required as a means to manifestation. If you feel an energy of desperation grasping at a precise outcome, my business has to start making money right fucking now,

use that pulsing fear of not getting it, to practice, assuming a magician's attitude, as I outlined in my lesson on Quick and Dirty Alchemy. Urgency always masks fear, as does procrastination, and is symptomatic of a divided will. The shadow longs for the drama and intensity of not getting the thing we want, of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. And we already know that wicked old shadow usually gets her way.

Personal alchemy, in other words, allows us to stop feeling victimized if the results we create are not quite what we expected. Again, if any of this feels just too unfamiliar, please do go and watch the Mercury episode. But I promise that when you see how Saturn responds, you will feel that deep rooted safety that comes from having immense legal and financial power. The power of rulers at your back. Kitten, I truly hope this short lesson has helped you on your path to unstoppable magical power.

I can't wait to see what you have in store for the world with Saturn behind you. Thank you so much for watching. And I will see you here again next time.

Anna in sweatshirt with clouds

Practical Magick: The Spirit of Money

If you are using magic in order to amass great wealth, I strongly recommend you initiate a relationship with the Spirit of Money at your earliest convenience. If you haven’t explored Money’s shadow before this might be a lot to take in, but you’re in safe hands. Treat this as a game and see what happens.

My name is Anna Bellissima, I am an extremely powerful magician and one of the things I’m most interested in, because it makes my life so much better, is using words and magic to change how I think about and interact with things - particularly the things I don't like or which aren't flowing easily for me.

Rather than battling my way through, or repressing my feelings, and using sheer bloody-mindedness to try to change reality, I prefer to use ceremony, ritual, and unreasonable levels of love and approval to establish a new relationship with that thing or situation. Because very often the results are truly, truly miraculous.

Today, we’re going to examine how we’ve been relating to money until now, what we need to forgive, what we need to be forgiven for. This is a shadow exploration, a dive into the dark, and it's going to mark a turning point, a pivot in your relationship with money, and mine: a very new way to relate to money.

I’m going to talk a little bit about why you might wish to relate to Money as a Spirit, and how that might change the way the world unfolds for you, and then I’m going to give you some more resources for initiating that relationship.

MONEY. Such a big energy, So potent, dark, energising and liberating and complex and beautiful and corrupting….

In the gospels of Mark and Luke, our favourite witch Jesus addresses money as a spirit called Mammon. And that characterisation is very useful for us, as magically-minded people. Because whether or not you choose to believe that Money is literally a spirit, it certainly has many characteristics of a spirit, just as your own personal angels and demons do.

So let’s look at Money and see if it makes sense to approach it as a spirit? First, it's invisible, intangible, as you know currency, our notes and coins, are tokens representing units of money, not money themselves, and in this day and age that is increasingly dying out, many of us hardly touch cash at all, so it's an invisible, abstract idea, where we feel that things are being moved, adjusted around us, but on a level we can't actually see.

Despite it’s invisibility and intangibility, it creates very concrete effects in people’s lives, whether through it’s presence or it’s absence, whether it is benevolent, cordial, indifferent or downright cruel.

Naturally, we have sigils and talismans for money, as we do for demons and spirits, but and most important for our purposes here today, money has certain protocols for its correct handling. Very much depending upon how you treat it, it can be friendly or unfriendly; a source of great comfort, or something we resent, fear, and inadvertently push away…

If we think of this as a kinky dom/sub relationship, for many of us Money is a cruel dom, but we, instead of surrendering and submitting, have our attention split. We are trying to seize control, to be the Domme, but we’re so in our feelings about it, we’re receiving all these somatic, bodily sensations from the energies of Money which we’re not processing well, and which are triggering our stories and our fears. So we’re not being effective as a sub, or as a Domme.

Obviously, to get this relationship working as we need to introduce some balance, create boundaries, reestablish commucation, and we need to learn to love money, for all that it is.

Now, I don’t know if you’ve noticed but in many spiritual traditions, the pursuit of money is considered with great suspicion. And this isn’t necessarily a mistake, after all - terrible, heinous things are done every day, every minute, in the name of money. It is a nasty, dark intoxicating and incredibly powerful magical substance.

Consider the evolution of money, as a means of exchanging tokens, talismans, for life force. If you pay me for an hour of my time, we trade an abstract concept - digits in the banking and commerce system - for an hour of my life. An hour of this one precious life, and an hour of my energy that I could spend playing with my children, or tending a garden. In exchange for these tokens, I will allow you to consume me. Who knows what level of consumption I would grant, if the number of tokens was great enough - do you see, how this substance has cannibalism and consumption build into it?

Of course, it also happens to be warm, generous, comforting, kind, charitable and capable of creating incredible transformations - in other words, it’s a lot like you and me - complex, non-dual, and very very fucked up.

However. We know that the danger of certain magical substances is the very thing that makes them such incredibly potent agents of spiritual awakening. Whether it is demonic ritual, baneful herbs, plant medicine, sex magic - all are used to achieve higher planes of enlightenment

- these strands form The POISON PATH, in which we as practitioners - intentionally embracing the poisonous - the dark, repulsive and dangerous - in order to transmute them into some of greatest medicine, and most spectacular magic imaginable

Money, I am sure you agree, is one of the vilest poisons in our culture today. You know this because you have sniffed distastefully at news, wrung your hands over crimes, signed petitions, and shared memes about social inequality

Think of the outrage at news about Bezos and Musk’s tax affairs, and how much we enjoy taking the philosophical and moral standpoint that billionairesship should not exist in a world where people also experience crushing poverty

We - particularly women - are actively encouraged, by the prevailing culture, to seek only ‘just enough’ money. Never to be greedy or acquisitive. To consider ourselves as being separate and certainly morally superior to people who are extremely wealthy.

But, despite the lack of trust, this relationship really isn’t something we can avoid - because if we refuse to remain in an ineffective and unfulfilling relationship to Money, and don’t wish to actively avoid money, the only option is to persuade the Spirit of Money to work for us, exactly as we might do with a spirit.

Money, as a spirit, wants to be valued it wants to be loved. On the surface, of course, we all love money - or is it rather that we hate to be without it? Because I speak to a LOT of people who diminish and apologise for their desire for money, and who tell me how people become untrustworthy or unscrupulous when they get rich.

One of the truisms, the epithets that I live by, is that the only way to change something is by loving it, all the way through. I expect you too have been subjected to Money Mindset advice encouraging us to focus on the wonderful things we will do with money, and resolutely ignores the atrocities undeniably inflicted on people and our planet in the name of money.

It is easy to see why we distrust and therefore push away money. But we can’t learn to love it by ignoring its shadow. Just like learning to love ourselves or our children or any other relationship; conditional love does not create a powerful beneficial symbiosis.

We’ve learned, haven’t we, in our exploration of the Law of Attraction and manifestation, that, if ‘having is evidence of wanting’, then we all do indeed ‘want’ some extremely fucked up things. And all the beautiful, exquisite, tender things we love and want, exist alongside cruelty, depravity, and utter, utter horror. And that the only way to get more of the things we know we do want, is to find a way, however imperfect, to love the awful as well.

Now, as I mentioned at the top of this video, it’s my belief that anyone in business, and anyone handling money, is advised to have a permanent money or wealth altar. After all, we are all going to be dealing with money in one way or another until the day we die.

If you don't feel like you want to give permanent space to a money altar then at least have one set up during times where you are actively seeking to manage or increase or change the flow of money into and out of your household coffers - or, like now, when you’re planning for a period of time ahead.

You will need to tend your altar regularly because items on it manifest in your magic even those things that are there accidentally like a glass of water like dust on the surface of a glass of water or rotting offerings. Creating and tending your altar is an amazing way to keep your magic alive but you must keep it clean, tidy and energetised so that your magic will match. Better to put it all away than let it stand dusty and neglected.

So to create your altar, have a look at my video on YouTube on the subject, which I will link below, but a cloth or tray, (green, blue or gold), and then gather money related effigies, talismans, totems, or other paraphernalia. Arrange them according to your own pleasure. You may include a print or statue of gods or deities associated with Wealth; a picture of a deceased relative who was particularly handy with money. A green or gold candle with symbols or Sigils inscribed upon it; appropriate planetary correspondences, for example with Jupiter who is the planet and deity responsible for expansion, wealth, riches and general largesse; and I highly recommend writing a letter to the spirit of money. Thanking it in great detail for every penny that has been spent on you since you were born. And asking for forgiveness for every time you have judged money negatively and pushed it away as it tried to approach and enrich you.

So before we end, it’s very important that you acknowledge the Spirit of Money right now - like all things it dwells within you and your consciousness, so you’d be advised to recognise it’s presence. Pause the video if you’d like to, and just give gratitude for all that money has made possible, all it has given you since the day you were born. Everything you’ve received throughout your life - from the roof over your head - for your medical care, your education, for all the lessons it has taught you, for the clothes on your back, the food in your kitchen, the device you’re looking at right now.

Then spend a moment longer thanking money for all of the terrible, horrible, awful things that exist in our world because of money - in the wisdom and understanding that as a non-dual spirit, we cannot receive what we judge as “good” about money, without also accepting the bad.

If you are ready to initiate your relationship with Money, check the description below for a list of suggested items for your altar, and instructions for setting it up.
Next, you need to click on the link below to get a guided meditation - a potent and often very erotic encounter with Money - after which, I promise, things will never be the same.

Do comment below to let me know what happens.

Thank you so, so much for being here with me today. My tender little heart is so endlessly full of gratitude for you all for spending time with me, and I look forward to the next time our paths cross, which I hope will be very, very soon.

Anna in black with flower

Practical Magick: Glamour Magick Explained

Listen: you're just not like other people. If you dare, you can enchant the very thing that makes you so different, and make it a force of magnetic attraction and genuine influence. Are you ready to learn about Glamour?

My name is Anna Bellissima. I am an extremely powerful magician (as of course are you), a witch, a writer, marketer and teacher, and my great work - at least for now - is to awaken your magick and equip you with the tools you need to achieve everything you desire.

As ever, if you are exceptionally clever and endlessly distractible - like me - adjust the playback on this lesson to 1.25 or even 1.5 speed - and fasten your seatbelts.

Glamour Magick is the the art, craft and cunning of amplifying the things that people find most interesting and intriguing about you - making it impossible for them to look away - and if you have an online business in this economy of attention, you know without me telling you exactly how valuable this is.

And the eagle-eyed among you will already have spotted, that this is what, in the dark art of marketing, we refer to as building a personal brand. Yes, it is a horrid phrase, and one which may cause you to feel some nausea and even a modicum of ego death once you acknowledge how this : glamour, magnetism : is a unifying factor in your most successful mentors.

In a moment I'm going to tell you how to figure out what it is that other people find fascinating in you, so that you can turn up the brightness, saturation and contrast on those things, but first it’s interesting to note that the word ‘glamour' as a noun, has three definitions:

  1. a quality that fascinates, allures or attracts, usually by a combination of charm and good looks
  2. excitement, adventure and unusual activity (for example, the glamour of being a witch)
  3. and it is another word for magic or enchantment itself.

Glamour very much associated with feminine beauty, and I think you'll agree with me that it carries a slight undertone of patriarchal disapproval - that it is for the women who wear too much make up, who ‘deceive’ men with our false eyelashes, curled hair and painted lips, luring them to death - or ignominy - with our siren song.

All more reason, then, for alternative thinking, anarchist witches everywhere to adopt the practice forthwith - for those of us who follow the left hand path, make no mistake, will only ever be tolerated by mainstream society. In a misogynist, materialist world, we are different, we are other, we are ungovernable and we are therefore feared. We are considered feckless, deluded, and perhaps - horrors! - most terrible of all - ambitious, ruthless and acquisitive.

Myriad cautionary tales stack up to warn us against the Glamour girl. She is the one who doesn't care about being liked, who doesn’t 'know her place’, who risks everything in pursuit of her desires. And in these false parables, for so many of us the very fabric of our upbringing - she meets a sticky end. I assure you, the sticky end is far from inevitable, and besides, none of us get out of here alive.

Bad girl energy is the promise of Glamour: Certainly it is the road less travelled, as it requires an element of shamelessness that does not come naturally to many of us who were indoctrinated for the Good Girl, or martyred mother, role instead.

Those embarking upon Glamour magic must be prepared to loosen the vice-like grip on the comfort of certainty that we are 'good people’. ‘Good people' don’t, we are taught, deliberately wield influence to get their own way. Good people don’t cast spells on others. Good people aren't seducers.

But if you are serious about the pursuit of your Great Work - by which I mean, if you have a clear aim that you dedicate time to each and every day, and which you will allow nothing to stand in the way of - Glamour could very well be the missing piece which, once in place, will speed your success with ever more ease and joy.

Once you have established a Purpose (and 'perfection is the enemy of the good’, here, your purpose can be your purpose for now), you need to take - and keep taking - a few additional steps.

  • Go public - as long as your purpose remains a secret, the temptation will always be there to shirk, skive and hide.
  • Decide how long it will take to achieve your Great Work, and reverse engineer until you have goals which are difficult but not impossible to achieve within six months, one year and 5 years.
  • Explore what would need to happen to achieve your one year goal in six months, and your five year goal in two years. Enchant for that.
  • Perform Magic Regularly.
  • Commit to spending at least ten minutes every single day moving closer to your goal.

The magic you use to support these goal should include all your favourite practices AND - Glamour.

The first step is to find out which of your personal attributes are most fascinating to others. Of course, you can simply ask a trusted advisor, but if you’re up for a journalling exercise, try this: grab a pen now, listen the prompts, then pause and write your answers.

Two lists, each with five items:
The first list is headed:
To be successful, I must be more:

The second list is headed:
To be successful, I must be less:

The second list - the things you disapprove of in yourself - are almost always the things that make you unique, activated (and therefore magnetic) when you speak about them, and perfectly placed to do the work you do.

Now, I don't pretend that embracing all of the terrible and wrong things about you is an easy undertaking. Far from it! But neither is it impossible and you have - on this channel alone - a plethora of resources to support you: just take a look in the description below for lessons, readings and meditations that will help regulate your nervous system while you explore what happens when you let your shadows out to play in public.

Glamour Magic is crucial here, and now I’m going to give you a simple practice to try:

Set up your altar space, with a green candle front and centre. Write or inscribe on the candle your intention, and make the prettiest, sparkliest offerings. Flickering lights to represent the fae, pastel coloured crystals, a cocktail glass with honey water or pornstar martini. In the incense smoke, consecrate an eyeshadow or lipstick, something with some sparkle in it maybe. Pass it through the flame of the candle, hold it in your hands as if in prayer, and whisper your intention, that it become - through the power of the magic you have summoned by your will - an enchanted potion that grants you utter conviction in your message, or that magnetises attention and money from your heart-throb clients.

And then, crucially, before any opportunity for a first impression, perform a minor act kosmesis or beauty magic: light your altar again and spend a moment in prayer before applying your enchanted substance, considering how this links you with generations of spiritual self-adorners and shape shifters.

If cosmetics aren’t for you, you could perform exactly the same ceremony with a talisman, or a piece of jewellery which will be made sacred.

If you're interested in exploring this branch of magic further with me, do have a look below at details for Spells of Allure, published next weekend. And I highly recommend you do, because what I have found in my own explorations is that the more we ask of our Glamour, the more is given.

Naturally, any powerful magic creates unique challenges along with desired outcomes - I have already alluded to the necessity of making peace with a new self-image, where we are not cast as pious do-gooders but rather morally ambiguous, social-climbing, unapologetically ambitious harpies. That in itself is potent medicine!

But at the same time, any suggestion of being overlooked or ignored is eradicated. The invisibility cloak you put on to protect yourself from rejection, is gone. Fear, procrastination and apathy are burned away in the light of your energy, the shine of your Glamour, and the strength of your magic.

Beautiful soul, there is much more information in the text below and I truly hope this lesson will further you on your path to unstoppable power - I can’t wait to see what you will unleash on the world.

Thanks so much for watching. I love you, and I will see you next time.

White woman with brown hair and grey jumper


I have been through a lot of personal trauma and then a collective one. Many burnouts in my journalistic career brought me to a more peaceful passion/profession - yoga teacher. But we carry our patterns with us, no matter where we go.
The magick of Ana Bellissima saved me yet another burnout. Too many coincidences happened and I could not ignore her request to stop and listen to my heart. Her messages, comments, meditations and reflections showed me a way to a new phase in my life.



Rich Boss Witch creates enchanting and practical organisational tools like planners, trackers, etc, along with lunar-inspired readings and courses.

I knew it was time to expand my business, but I was dreading getting an email list going. I was looking for a program that would walk me through it, step by step for absolute beginners, and Anna's class came through. I am so glad that I took it!

I really feel as though I have grown in my creative capacity for writing. Plus I saved so much time and frustration, and I've learned some new skills - the writing, and the tech side, too.


I'm a life coach for alternative business owners and creative souls who feel weighed down with hustle culture expectations and are tired of being tired. I've worked with Anna on a couple of her courses and all of them have added to my toolbox of practices. She helped me realise that my brand of weird has a place in the world and that my own magic is very much potent and needed.


I'm a facilitator of Remembrance, using human design, energy facilitation and future writing. During my Saturn Return, I lost it all. I lost my job, got married to an almost stranger and got pregnant. I was starting over. I'm still starting over. That's my story, one where I am reclaiming my magic as a member of a Sufi order as well!

Anna had us write a letter to Mercury, that invited in a lot of profound truths and realisations. I made my first sale, ever! - before I had even finished creating it!

Thank you Anna, I'm forever grateful.


I'm amazed at the infinite healing and nourishment we get from plants and my goal is to do all that I can to create remedies and rituals that connect us to their beauty and wisdom.

Anna's content is accessible, practical, and right on target. I gained lots of clarity on how to organize my thinking about my offer as well as very clear steps on how to inspire an authentic connection with an audience.

She makes herself available for questions and is SUPER present throughout the whole process (you do NOT want to miss her live sessions!). I highly recommend, especially if you're an entrepreneur struggling to figure out how to sell. You'll get the tools you need here. I give this course a 20 out of 10.


Since working with Anna, I have expanded my self-worth, built more effective rituals, and received brilliant guidance in how to own the magic I already am.