Quick & Dirty - Get Rich from Your Spiritual Business
Month: June 2024
💼 The eight elements you can create and control, to set up your small business for success. Whether you’re starting from scratch or aiming to break that elusive six-figure mark, this foundation will help you.
Practical strategies and energetic principles that power growth for a spiritual business owner. Questions? Leave a comment and let’s chat 😍
– how to craft an irresistible offer that practically sells itself.
– the importance of tracking key metrics to ensure steady growth and business health.
– the secret to creating and managing demand in your audience.
– a consistent and scalable strategy for growing your audience and nurturing leads.
– the power of energetically clean sales processes for a seamless and fulfilling client experience.
– the mastery of your craft as a cornerstone of sustainable business growth and impact.
Thank you for being here!
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What next? Book your call, and let’s see how my support could help speed your success.
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Only those who risk going too far find out how far it is possible to go. Isn’t that a wonderful quote? TS Eliot. I heard it today.
Now you’re gonna get used to me looking away. I’m recording here but I’m teaching here. I’m on a call here. So we’re gonna talk about the eight critical elements for setting up your baby business, by which I mean anything below 100k, for growth. Now, this is not gonna get you all the way to where you want to go, but it’s gonna create an incredible foundation that will just raise your whole game for the next stage of your business growth.
Now, you can get rich quick. I promise you can get rich quick. There are certain business models that have capacity, that do genuinely have capacity for massive growth year on year. Business systems including content creation. Yes, scalable services, right? The kind of businesses that you are in, there is potential for massive growth, and you know, 200% growth a year is not unrealistic.
So if you have a calculator nearby, just grab your calculator. Put in what has been your gross revenue, your total sales over the last 12 months, and then double it, and then double it again, and double it again, and it’s probably not very long. It’s probably like three to four to six maximum years until you hit a million. Now of course it’s not as simple as just hitting equals equals on a calculator. Of course, we all wish it was, but that like a hundred percent growth minimum year on year is entirely possible if you pick the correct strategy and also have some other attributes like being really agile in terms of who you are becoming at each stage of your business.
That is get rich quick. Are you kidding me? A million in like three to four years? That is get rich quick by anybody’s standards, right? Is it easy? No. Are the results guaranteed? No, they are not. Again, it’s uncomfortable. Alas, no, it is not comfortable either, but it is exhilarating, it’s fun, it’s challenging, it’s fulfilling and rewarding. And when it works, it is one of the only ways that you can legitimately make a great deal of money unless you are, you know, like a talented professional athlete or rock star or movie star, in which case you’re probably not here watching this video.
So let’s get into these eight coins. This is my just slightly esoteric spin on the business and energetic structures that are required to get your business from like 20k a year to the six-figure level and then above and beyond. So let’s get into them. What are they?
Number one, an incredible offer. An offer so good it almost sells itself. Most of you have heard me say before there is no right offer. There’s just the offer that you choose, that you love, that you are so committed to, that you just can’t wait to talk about it all the time. Okay, that’s part one: a really amazing offer.
Part two, Saturn’s game. Knowing which metrics to track and I mean even before that, just tracking your metrics. Okay, this is just like a basic non-negotiable for anybody who is serious about growing their business. You have to be tracking your numbers, my friend. You need to know to the penny how many sales you are making each month, how much profit you are making each month, how many conversations you are having, how many clients you have, even if it feels like a futile exercise because the numbers are so small. It’s only when you start tracking them that you see them starting to expand. There is a whole training on this on my YouTube channel. Saturn rules numbers and numbers love to behave as we expect, and the terrible thing is when you take your eye off them, it’s when you take your eye off them that they can start to misbehave and get up to mischief. So let’s be tracking our numbers. There are lots of other things you can track, you can see them in the video, but let’s start doing that as of today.
The third thing that is really helpful in growing a business is an understanding of the concepts of demand, how to create demand in your audience, how to identify the demand, how to create more of it, how to increase it, how to manage it, and how to manage demands, the demands placed on you as a business owner, and indeed how to make demands as a powerful business owner.
The fourth thing that’s really valuable to have is an energetically clean sales process so that you and your clients feel really aligned in the whole process and the exchange, the financial exchange, just feels like a magical part of the process.
The fifth thing you need is a consistent strategy for growing your audience. We don’t need to go viral, we don’t need to grow by thousands at a time, but that drip drip drip, the cumulative effect of a small number of people joining your audience every day over time, is what is going to allow you to have the greatest impact, right? If you can sell a million of anything to anyone, you’re going to be extremely rich. If you can sell thousands of units at the right price, you are going to be extremely rich. So you can see that it’s imperative that we decide on an ongoing, consistent strategy to just create more people to sell to, more people in our ecosystem, more potential customers. This is not the same thing as growing your social media following. This is growing an email list, and there will be different strategies according to the stage of business you are at.
The sixth thing, this is so important, we want to take advantage of the golden window of opportunity where people are positively predisposed towards your business right at the moment of deciding to join your email list. They are positively predisposed towards you, they have a cognitive bias towards receiving and absorbing and appreciating your wisdom. So we’re going to make the most of that with a simple email sequence. That’s what we’re talking about. It’s a handful of emails to write, it’s the work of a couple of hours to set it up, and it’s going to be the most valuable asset in your business. This is how we take people from stranger to client. This is how we do it without it taking more and more of your energy every day.
The seventh thing that we have to talk about, the seventh coin, is the energetics of success. The energetics of having more, holding more, serving more clients, being on the receiving end of more opinions, more judgments, more praise, more appreciation, more refund requests, more pain in the ass clients, more money, more problems. The scope of what you are dealing with as the leader of your business changes very rapidly when growth is rapid. It’s essential that you have a scaffolding of magical and mundane support around you so that you can create profits, so that you can create assets, content marketing systems that deliver profit into your business month by month, week by week, and are profitable over the long term. In other words, you work hard on a particular asset, a particular structure in your business for a few weeks, and it delivers profit to your business over and over and over again long after you have completed the project.
The final point, number eight, the last piece that needs to be in place is the embodiment of mastery. Mastery of your craft, attaining better and better results for your clients because that in return creates more and more demand for your work and is the driver behind the value of your business. Ultimately, the value of your business will be predicated on the results that you get for your clients and the profit that you make while doing so. So gaining mastery, improving your craft, improving your results, working with better and better clients at a deeper and deeper level to make a more profound impact in your field, is the final piece in the puzzle of growing a business which really is a legacy to your vision and your mission.
There is another essential tool I should mention. It’s not part of the eight coins as such, but it’s kind of like a booster, a magic money-making ingredient that I call the summoning. It is a strategy that we can layer on top of all of these other pieces that we’ve put in place as a way to make sales and demand with no copywriting, no sales page, no email, and no circus tricks. And I love, love, love teaching this methodology, and in fact, I often give it away for free on my own live events. My clients use it, as I say, to create a cash injection while setting up the evergreen system, for example, setting up their email sequence. And they can repeat it in cycles to create a bump in income, and who doesn’t love a bump in income, right?
If you’re missing any of these eight coins, I guarantee that there is more money, more impact, more time, and more freedom available to you. Here they are: an incredible offer so good it sells itself, Saturn’s game and tracking your metrics, a deep understanding of how to create demand in your audience and how to take advantage of it, an energetically clean sales process that you and your clients love, a repeatable system for growing your audience, a simple email sequence to welcome people into your world, an understanding of the energetics of success, an embodiment of the energetics of success, and finally, the last one being mastery, mastery of your craft and of your marketing results, as well as of your business growth.
If you would like to talk about how any of this could apply to your business, have a look around on this page. There will be a link to DM me or to book a call, and I would love to talk about this with you some more.
Quick & Dirty - Positioning
Month: June 2024
🌟 Imagine what a constant flow of hot leads would do for your business. That’s what Demand Positioning can do for your business.
In this episode of Quick & Dirty Marketing, I share the essentials of a powerful positioning, so that you are never struggling for attention and clients.
Let’s learn:
🦊 how the perceived level of demand for your work in the marketplace will dictate your business structures and strategies – and even your philosophy.
🦊 real-life examples of businesses that thrived or struggled based on their demand positioning.
🦊 practical steps to identify and enhance your unique value proposition, so your brand stands out.
🦊 how to connect with your audience in a way that makes your work irresistible.
🦊 short- and long-term strategies to increase demand.
🦊 actionable steps to continually evolve so that demand only grows.
Thank you for being here!
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What next? Book your call, and let’s see how my support could help speed your success.
- Transcript -
Why do some brands consistently enjoy more demand than they can meet and others seem to struggle for attention? If there is no demand for your work, you don’t actually have a business. And this is the big purpose of marketing generally, right? It’s not to communicate about the details, the information about your work. The big purpose of marketing is to create demand. And the demand for our work that we create also informs how we structure our offers and our businesses in order to manage and meet that demand.
You have probably heard about a small business that has actually been broken from over demand. For example, you know, like a skincare company that goes viral on TikTok and is suddenly overwhelmed with demand for their products, which they just can’t meet. So that’s at one end of the scale, but what does it feel like when there is no demand for your work or very little demand for your work? So obviously that means sales are slow. You’re having to spend a lot of time persuading and convincing people as to why they should work with you. And at the end of it all, they’re just not saying yes.
I want to use the next 10 minutes or so to give you a brief overview of demand positioning and why it works to create a consistent client flow. And why it is so very important to do this right now, like as soon as you have a business, as soon as you have proof of concept, you’ve served clients, you’ve delivered results so that you can come to actually enjoy and work purposefully without spinning your wheels at your marketing and at closing sales, which is what it’s all about, right? So this is all about positioning, demand positioning.
Before we begin, my name is Anna Ballisma. I am a marketing witch and strategy dominatrix. I am a creator of potential and possibility if you choose to avail yourself of it. And I have helped hundreds of online experts, healers, teachers, coaches, consultants to sign more and higher value clients without having to spend more time on their marketing. We are talking about 400% revenue increase. We are talking about adding 100k to an annual income.
Now, this is a huge topic. The topic of demand, it’s vast. The energetics of demand is almost more important than any other piece. So do have a look in the worksheet that comes with this class. Have a look for the masterclass that I taught on the subject of demand a little while ago. I will link it for you. Honestly, it is the most valuable time you will spend and it makes everything else, every hour that you work, every investment you make, every strategy you adopt, it makes it more effective and more beneficial for your business. So let’s now take a look at demand positioning.
If you did not have a background in marketing, logic would tell you that unless there are people, if you don’t see people clamoring at the door to work with you, then there is low to no demand. Your brain would report that as a logical conclusion based on the reality it sees. And you might also therefore conclude that demand gradually increases in direct correlation to the size of your audience and the success of your marketing. So it would go like this. You get much better audience growth and you get clearer with your messaging and you get better at defining your niche and you get really, really good at all of these things, not like you are now. And then if you’re lucky, you also get more people signing on as clients.
But in fact, as long as you believe there is demand for your work, go and watch that masterclass, you can create demand. How do I know this? Because I know that a business with nothing but an offer or a product or a new idea can go to a marketing agency and tell them, can pay them to create demand. If I had a new health drink and budget, I could go to a marketing agency and say, I want to make a big splash with this new drink. I want people to be excited to taste it for the first time. I want to create a global buzz. And as long as I have the budget, that marketing agency would be able to create demand for my product in the online space.
Now, there are literally hundreds, maybe thousands of books written on exactly this topic. Every book on marketing is essentially dealing with this topic. How do we create demand for our work? And the fact that so much is written about it, I want you to understand that this means there is a system. There are strategies and tactics that anyone can use to generate demand, especially in the digital marketplace where we have access to the eyes and the attention of millions upon millions of people in the global audience. And you and I have the benefit that we don’t even need thousands or probably even hundreds of people to buy. If our offer is priced profitably and designed well, we need tens of people to buy. And that is eminently achievable, right? You can do what a marketing agency can do on a smaller scale. You can, but only if you believe it is possible because you get what you expect, right? We get what we expect.
So the first task is to believe that there is demand for your work. Consult the spirit of your business. Get into a space where instead of feeling anxious about marketing, you feel supported. I want you to understand that you weren’t given this idea. You weren’t gifted with this idea for a business as a cruel prank by the universe. You were given it because there is demand for your work and not just for the work you do generally, but for your particular and unique flavor and methodology of doing it. And once you are in that headspace, you are ready to go to work.
So here are the three concrete steps to position your brand, your methodology, your offer in a way that makes it sought after, effective, popular, the only solution worth listening to. And this way you can create, not create, you can reveal, you can discover, you can see the people who want your work. You can get those people to actually step forward, raise their hands and say, yes, I want to work with you.
Now on the whole, people will believe what you tell them about your business. So here’s a list of what you need to know. Number one, you need to know why your work is so cool and awesome. Okay, you need to know what it is about your work, your specific work, which is so very, very good. This requires some market research. Now this is not about comparison. If you get upset looking at what other people in your industry are doing, it is time to put on your bigger underwear and get down to some strategic problem solving. This is about understanding the landscape that you’re operating in and seeing what other people say about their work. See where there are gaps. You don’t have to be in a category of one. Don’t try to be in a category of one, but you do need to be able to say why your solution is better than this one or that one.
You need to know what sets you apart. What is specifically the thing that makes yours a better solution? What is it about your experience, your expertise, the results you get, the innovation you bring forth, the methodology that’s unique? What little piece is so uniquely you that it makes your solution just such a perfect fit for your audience? Now in business, we call this your value proposition. What is unique about your work and why this uniqueness actually makes your solution, your work better for your audience than other options they may have seen or considered? Why your work is so cool and awesome, also known as your value proposition.
The second thing you need to do, and there’s some overlap here guys, but the second thing you need to do is you need to check in with your audience. You are going to have to get to know your audience really, really well. If you don’t know them, you need to set up some research calls and get to know them because it is vital. I can’t tell you how critical it is to know what motivates your audience and what challenges them. For most of us, this can be kind of a time traveling exercise because for a lot of us, our clients are who we were six months ago, a year ago, two years ago. But if it is in the distant past or if you can’t remember what it was like to be in that position or if indeed your clients are not you of a little while ago, you need to find out what motivates and challenges them. Because once you understand these things, then you are in a position to describe your offer, to present your offer to them as the thing that is filling the gap, the thing that is missing in what they are when they’re looking for a solution, what they’re seeing, your solution can be the thing that fills the gap.
Now, I created an offer a little while ago, six months ago or something, and I went about it like this. You can do the same thing, you can go through the same process. I spoke to somebody who was exactly my ideal client. Obviously, there was already a relationship with them because I nurture my leads. So, there was a relationship there. There was some considerable goodwill between us. And so, I asked her two questions. And if you’ve worked with me, you’ll recognize these questions from the offer audit. The questions were, “What do you wake up wanting and what support would you need in order to do that?” So, I went to my client. I said, “What do you wake up wanting?” She said, “I want to sign clients without feeling like I have to be on social media 24/7. I want to sign clients without feeling like I have to be always on and burning myself out.” And I said, “What support would you need to be able to do that?” And she said, “Without hesitation, I would need an expert to be fully immersed, fully in my business. I would need them to understand all about my brand, my offers, my marketing systems, my social media, my messaging, and I would need them to tell me exactly what to do and when and in what order.” I said, “Awesome. That sounds like a vice president of marketing position.” Yes, exactly. That’s what it is.
So, the next day, I used her language and a little bit of mine, one social media post, and sold a spot at Five Figures. That doesn’t happen in isolation, okay? Of course, I am always doing work to create demand for my work and nurturing relationships with my audience, but I am always listening to my audience several calls a week, just listening and hearing what is going on with people and what people are concerned about, what people are trying to achieve, and what is challenging them in getting there. Because if one person is struggling with it, there are 10 people. If there are 10, there are 100. Nobody is that unique in their struggles and challenges that they are the only ones. So, if you don’t know what your audience wants, what motivates them, and what challenges them, you really need to find out so that you can position your offer as the complete and total and no-brainer and no other solution worth listening for answer to their problem.
Okay. I said this a bit before. On the whole, people will believe what you tell them about your business. So, to be in demand, you have to say you are in demand. You have to sound like you’re in demand. You need to act like you’re in demand. You need to believe you are in demand. This is the basic rules of manifestation, acting as if, again, books and books and books written on this. Any reason why you are giving yourself or why this is impossible for you, it’s just stories. It’s just beliefs. Just things you are telling yourself, but which are absolutely not a barrier to success.
So, once we’ve done the above, we’ve understood our value proposition, why your work is cool and awesome. And once we have understood the gap in the market, what our client really wants and really needs and can’t find, and you’ve got your head in the game with believing in the demand for your work. Here are some practical things that you can do to create more demand energy. These things are more marketing than positioning, really, but I wanted to give you some short-term practical concrete actions. So, share recommendations, testimonials, reviews, case studies. If you don’t have them, get them. That is your first priority. Share them often. Share them widely.
Operate like there is demand. Don’t wait for the demand to show up first. So, what would that look like? If you knew there were people queuing up to work with you, you might offer limited spots so that too many people don’t come in at once. You might offer timers to encourage people to act more in terms of your timeframe than theirs. You might lean a little bit on fear of missing out, and you might think that, “Ooh, gross, inauthentic.” But this is part of the marketing game and how we build the business that we want rather than responding to the business that we believe we have.
And the third one, show up, show up, show up as the in-demand business. Be at events, whether they are online or in person, as the in-demand, oversubscribed business. Collaborate, partner up. Whatever resources you have, whatever audiences you have access to, connect and share and engage and be generous. Because if you were oversubscribed, if you knew there was so much demand for your work, you wouldn’t worry. You wouldn’t be worrying about giving away too much value online. That is just not an issue for the oversubscribed business.
So, all of these, yes, they require a good mix of planning, research, consistent action. Yes, they do. And they are effective and proven to build demand and increase just like that baseline of demand in your audience so that everything you do in terms of marketing and making offers and selling is more effective.
I have a bonus step for you. Adapting, being adaptive. Everything in business is dynamic. So, what worked in the past, it can stop working. And things that didn’t work in the past can start. Your mission is to evolve, evolve, evolve. How do I feel about my clients, my marketing, my offers, my messaging this week? What do I want to change?
Okay. So, our three key takeaways. Know why your work is so cool, your value proposition. Know what your client needs and position your offer, your service to fill that gap and act as if, build as if, show up as if, move through the world as if, do your marketing as if there is so, so much demand for your work.
Well, as you can tell, I am fairly excited and animated by this topic because if you believe there is no demand for your work, it just makes everything really, really difficult. So, learning how to manage this and control it and manipulate it is super important. It’s one of the three things I teach in the demand system. Emotional messaging. If you haven’t watched that class, go and watch it now. It is linked in your worksheet. Demand positioning, which we’ve spoken about today. And the Goldilocks marketing ecosystem, which does the heavy lifting for you in terms of creating a ready to buy audience.
Now, if you already know you want more inbound leads, more people reaching out to work with you, that’s what this is all about. When there’s demand for your work, that’s when you’re getting inbound leads, people popping into your DMs, your emails asking to work with you. If you are ready to be in demand like that and also to hold that and manage it, this is your invitation to message me. Hop onto Facebook right now or in your email, send me a quick note so that we can talk about where the current gaps are in this system and where you are leaving money on the table and how we would apply the demand system so that you can sign more clients this month than ever before.
Thank you so much for watching. There is so much demand for your work and I will see you next time.
Quick & Dirty - Marketing Ecosystem
Month: June 2024
😈 Without a holistic marketing and sales strategy, your organic content can actually end up COSTING more – in time and energy, your most valuable resources – than it creates in revenue.
In today’s episode, I’m explaining a simple but highly effective marketing and sales ecosystem, and if you contact me in the comments I’ll be happy to speak with you about how it could apply to your business.
Learn about:
* automated audience growth and nurture that delivers HOT leads into your sales pipeline.
* an organic content strategy optimised for lead generation and sales, for the greatest possible profit per hour you spend on marketing.
* an energetically clean system for shameless sales that feels good to you AND your clients.
Thank you for being here!
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What next? Book your call, and let’s see how my support could help speed your success.
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Having addressed your emotive messaging and your demand positioning, and if you don’t know what I’m talking about go back and watch the other two videos that are linked in the workbook, how do you actually turn this into customers and money in the bank? Your messaging, your positioning are vitally, vitally important, but you also need an effective way to deliver that communication out to your audience. You need an efficient way to deliver it more clearly, more frequently to more people, because the best messaging in the world isn’t going to convert anybody if nobody reads it, right? That makes sense.
So we need to summon the souls. We need to give them a strong dose of your unique and brilliant medicine, and we need a strategy for taking their money, a conversion strategy. That meets both the people who are ready now, ready to pay you now, want to give you their money, and also nurtures and loves and takes on a journey, a customer journey, the people who need a little bit longer. If any of these pieces are missing, you’re leaving money on the table. In fact, if you take away any one of these elements, the machine just stops working. It looks like nothing is happening, and that’s why I refer to it as an ecosystem. It has a number of discrete elements which interplay, and it’s finely balanced. If you overcomplicate it, it won’t work. If you oversimplify it, likewise, it just kind of grinds to a halt and it looks like nothing is happening.
So for the next little while, I’m going to share what my version of a beautiful marketing and sales ecosystem looks like and how it creates a consistent flow of hot, hot leads into your business so that you can sign more clients without having to spend any more time on marketing than you already are. You do not need to work harder. So before I dive in, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Annabelissima. I am a marketing witch and strategy dominatrix, and I am a creator of potential and possibility in your business if you choose to avail yourself of it. I’ve helped hundreds of online experts, healers, teachers, coaches, consultants to sign more and higher value clients without having to relentlessly create content and reels and being on social media from dawn till dusk.
Now, you are in business, so this is not brand new information to you. You know, I’m sure about funnels and email marketing and offer creation and sales copy, but what is new is how we approach it in a holistic and integrated way. We approach it in the most energy and resource-efficient way possible. Congruent to the stage you are at in your business and set in place a repeatable rich for sale, some activities that you can do every month or every six weeks to add fuel to the fire and close those clients.
Now, I know some of you are thinking this sounds just too good to be true, that marketing is hard work, it’s relentless, it’s difficult, it’s frustrating, and it’s true. It is those things if you are not following a system, and if you haven’t done the work of the previous two videos on your memorable emotive messaging and your demand positioning. But again, there is a system. There are strategies and tactics that anyone can execute to create hot leads for their business. You don’t need thousands. You don’t need thousands and thousands of hot leads. If your offer is priced profitably, you probably only need a handful of people and there is nothing that you can say to convince me that this is not attainable for you. You have brains in your head, you have smarts and drive and commitment and a can-do problem-solving attitude, and you absolutely can do this, especially with the right support.
So let’s put together your 90-day marketing strategy right now. Let’s plan out your marketing ecosystem. Number one, audience growth. If your business isn’t growing, there’s a fairly good chance that your audience isn’t growing either. Unless of course you’re doing the audience growth piece, but not making offers, which we will come to, but let’s work through this chronologically. So if your business isn’t growing, check and see if your audience is growing. The question is where will you go to find more people who look like your clients and how will you get their attention? Where are you going to find traffic? This is about finding a mass of people. Where is there a mass of people on the internet? Social media, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, SEO, Pinterest, LinkedIn. All of these can be addressed organically and after a while for most of you, you are going to be using ads and organic growth because ultimately you can grow a lot faster by investing a little bit of money in it than you can by investing a lot of time and energetic resource into it.
And then the next question, when we know where we’re going to find this traffic, is what is going to be the thing you offer these people? What do I mean by an offer? Something you want in exchange for something they want. You want their email address, their follow, their subscription, their connection request, whatever it is. And what are you going to offer them in return? So that could be a Facebook group, a free recorded training, a sales page, a signup page. What is going to be the thing that you give them? A newsletter on a topic they’re interested in, a PDF, an audio. We all know what effective and good lead magnets look like.
Okay, so we’ve talked about how to grow an audience. The second thing we need to have is a customer journey. Once we have a new person in our world, what are we going to do with them? How do we take their money if they’re ready? And if they’re not ready immediately, then what? And this is the piece I most often see falling down with people who come to work with me. That there isn’t a thought through strategic plan for how to move someone from new to your world to paying client. In the rapidest possible speed that is right for your client. You both have needs. They have needs for how long they take to make a decision. People operate in different ways. We have early adopters who are ready like that. And we have people who love to mull and think and feel super, super comfortable before they move. But you have needs too. Your business needs cash flow and you have bills to pay. So what other points of nurture does somebody need in order to be drawn closer and learn more and more about your work? They’ve had their interest piqued. You’ve offered them something in exchange for their ongoing attention. And how are you going to actually honor that prize, that gift of their attention by giving them what they want?
It’s important to remember that when somebody joins your world, they want to know more. They want ways to engage with you and your work. I call refer to this as the golden window. And it’s the time when there is a positive cognitive bias towards your work. Don’t miss that opportunity. It’s important to remember that when somebody joins your world, they want to know more. They want other ways to engage with your work. I refer to this brief window of time as the golden window. And it’s the short period of time after somebody first joins your audience, during which time they are positively predisposed. They have a bias toward you and your work. So take advantage of that phenomenon and plan out what a customer journey might look like.
And it’s important to note that there is probably going to be more than one. There are going to be multiple nurture points. So there could be your email sequence, a Facebook group. There could be live events. There could be recorded teachings that you offer people. How can you strategize both to take the money of the people who are ready to buy now and love on and prepare the others to become customers? Demand for your work. Does that mean that you just ignore the people who aren’t ready now? Of course not. You love them and trust them to buy as soon as they have the resources they need, whether that’s the money, the time, the confidence, the self-management to implement what it is that you’re teaching. Of course you are not going to ignore the people who aren’t ready to buy immediately.
And then the third part that every marketing ecosystem absolutely must have is a conversion process. Now, strictly speaking, this falls outside of the scope of marketing. But a lot of people conflate marketing and sales. And I’m including it here because if you’re not signing a lot of clients and we have talked about the holy grail of inbound leads. And unless you have a very, very big audience, the number of people who spontaneously drop into your email or your DMs and ask how to work with you may never be a large enough number to meet your goals. Even as you grow, you may never have enough inbound inquiries to grow at the rate you wish to grow because of course as your business grows, so do your targets, right? So every single business needs an outbound sales strategy. If you are not actively asking for the sale, you are leaving thousands of pounds, thousands of dollars on the table. I promise you. There are people in your audience right now today who are super, super interested in working with you, but you haven’t asked them. They don’t know what your offers are. They don’t know what they cost. They don’t know if it’s right for them because you’re not telling them and you’re not asking them, hey, are you in?
So what does this look like? What does the conversion process look like in your marketing strategy? It looks like a core offer or methodology that you talk about regularly and frequently as part of your marketing. You need to make those offer posts. You need to pitch the sale. A lead generation strategy to get people to raise their hand and say they’re interested in what you’re selling. So that looks like social content, live events like this one. Lots of ways to get people to indicate that they that they’re into you, that they’re into your work. And you need an outbound strategy to initiate contact with people who you have vetted and determined to be a good fit for your work. A conversion strategy. Are you going to send people to a sales page? Will you have a basic Google document that you can send out or a PDF you can send out? Are you going to get on sales calls? Are you going to close your sales in the DMs? Are you going to absent yourself from that process and just let people go to a sales page and decide or not to buy from there? There are lots and lots of considerations based on you, your personal preferences, your resources, the time you have available, the offer, the price in the audience. But generally speaking, the higher the cost relative to your audience and your brand, the more energetic input from you is is appropriate.
OK, as a bonus point, a bonus strategy, a seamless onboarding. If you know that signing a client is kind of painful with contracts, setting up payment links, giving them access to materials or groups, if all of that is kind of difficult and clumsy and time consuming, that will create some energetic resistance for you in selling. Now, this doesn’t happen overnight. It doesn’t have to be seamless from the very beginning. But basically, all the time you are improving the way you deliver everything, including the results you help your clients get, making it all better and easier and more efficient and smoother. There are two things to focus on as a business owner. I tell my clients only to everything else is a distraction, getting better results for your clients and getting better at your marketing.
Now, any reason that you might be giving yourself for why this is impossible for you is bullshit and you know it. This is 100 percent achievable for anyone with their head in the game, determined to move strategically, systematically, consistently, adaptively. As a business owner yourself, you are constantly evolving. And the person your business requires to show up constantly evolves. And so does your offer, your audience, your strategy, your support, your methodology. You can change any of these things and it will take you in a completely new trajectory. Sometimes it really just is a case of deciding differently. Sounds easy, doesn’t it?
So to summarize the components of your marketing ecosystem, traffic and audience growth, where are you going to find people and how are you going to get their attention? Customer journey, how you can quickly and efficiently educate people about your work so that the only people who stick around are people who are interested in working with you. We are not interested in building an audience of people who are never going to buy. And the conversion strategy, what you offer, when and how, so that you can take the money of the two or three percent of people in your joining your world who are ready to buy straight away and cultivate your relationship with the rest of them.
OK, so, so much we could talk about, so much I could share that specific to your business and preferences. But I hope you can see how these pieces fit together to build an audience of people who are really good fit potential buyers and how this increases the base level of demand. That exists in your audience and how you can strategize to increase that base level of demand over the long term as well as boost it at specific points in the month or the year when you want to tickle the energy, create more bars and create more sales. Building out the marketing ecosystem bespoke to your business is one of the things we do in the demand system. We work on your emotional messaging, how we make people move. We work on your demand positioning, how we can use positioning to decide and determine how people think about and interact with your business. And we use the Goldilocks marketing ecosystem. Talked about it today. The actual marketing assets and actions that deliver your messaging and positioning to the largest number of people as clearly and as frequently as possible.
If you want to be in demand, if you want more hot leads, if you want more inbound leads, more confidence with your sales process, more clients saying yes. If you are ready to hold all that comes with it, more client work, more onboarding, more money, more taxes, more demands on your time, more invitations to set and hold boundaries. Your invitation is to message me. Log into Facebook in your email. Send me a quick note so I can show you the money you’re leaving on the table and how we can apply the demand system to your business to make that money magically appear in your bank account.
Thank you so much for watching me. There is so much demand for your work and I will see you soon.