Ways to tell if you’re denying your absolute magic (I just wanted to hold that colour in my hand):
☾ You fear the future and the unknown
☾ You believe yourself to be powerless
☾ You mistrust and ignore your intuition
☾ You don’t have time to do things you want to do
It’s eminently understandable, sweet ones. We all do it, one way or another. We’re taught that we ‘can’t pour from an empty cup’ as if we can only fill our cup once it’s empty, and only for the purposes of pouring again. This is what patriarchy has taught us, and, in my experience at least, it became particularly weighty with motherhood.
We have been taught to fear what people will think of us, the names we may be called, if we reclaim our power. If we say ‘no’. If we treat ourselves with deep, radical love.
Disowning and outgrowing these beliefs is hard work, but power and pleasure is fresh air so sweet you will gulp it down in great laughing lungfuls, wondering what took you so long.
If your own sweet fulfilment isn’t motivation enough just yet, do it to show the womxn you love that it’s possible. To show your children that they don’t have to accept what is handed to them.
You may, like me, have spent years ignoring and denying your intuition. You may have so successfully repressed it, you don’t even know what you are listening for any more. In which case, maybe you are more familiar with the ideas of “interests and imagination”. When something catches your eye, follow it (like Alice following the White Rabbit) and see where it leads. This is the journey, my loves. This is the journey.